Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-01-17 00:41
Maybe a good idea would be to ask your teacher if you'd be allowed to arrive early. It's important to be 15 minutes early to anything in life anyway, just to eliminate potential error. I frequently arrive 45 minutes early to pit orchestra gigs, to settle my nerves and to lessen the chance of any problems. Arriving 15 minutes early will give you plenty of time to safely adjust your instrument. If it's not possible to arrive this early, maybe it would be best to adjust your lesson time. If you aren't the driver of the situation, maybe it's best to have a discussion between you, your teacher, and your driver to come to an agreeable solution. If you don't do it but for one reason, do it for the fact that you will not be getting the full output from your lesson, if your tuning is being effected by a cold instrument. Good luck.