Author: cjwright
Date: 2010-07-17 04:20
I would contend that your dizzy spells are due to such a narrow shape and the way you scrape your reeds than the size of the staple
David Weber scrapes his reeds with with his own shape, a Weber 1-B, which is only slightly bigger than a RDG-1N, and slightly narrower than a RDG -1 (I have all three, and have compared them). I can scrape a reed with an RDG 2 (a very large shape) and it can basically have just as much airflow as one of David's reeds. If you're worried about getting more airflow and reducing backpressure and dizziness, buy one, study it, and learn how to scrape a reed so that the throat and back remain open.
Blog, An Oboe In Paradise
Solo Oboe, Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra