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 Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-07-14 02:13

Ken died peacefully on 28 June 2017 at the age of 74. He was an avid reader of and contributor to this board. He was in ill health and hospitalized numerous times over the past few years.

He loved the clarinet and its music and cherished the clarinet board as a place to exchange ideas, even as he could no longer play. For that I am extremely grateful.

Please feel free to contact me and I hope to make small contributions from time to time.

Mary Vinquist
(Mrs. Ken Shaw)

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-07-14 02:15

Should you wish to pay tribute to Ken, please contribute this this board in his name. That was his expressed wish to me.

Mary Vinquist

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: bmcgar 2017
Date:   2017-07-14 02:35

Very sorry to hear it. I enjoyed his posts and appreciated his interested in the board and its members.



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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: zhangray4 
Date:   2017-07-14 02:45

Extremely sorry to hear this news. I haven't contributed to the BBoard much unitl recently, but I've always checked on the BBoard frequently. I always see his name constantly, and he was no doubt very helpful for me, even if he did not know.

With much sorrow,

-- Ray Zhang

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2017-07-14 02:52

Thank you, Mary.

I had noticed Ken's absence from the board. Thus, I was excited to see a post from "Ken" today, then saddened to hear of his passing. I learned much from his posts, and appreciated his wisdom and tenacity. He will be sorely missed.

My sincerest condolences to you - thank you again for taking the time to inform us.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: MarlboroughMan 
Date:   2017-07-14 03:05

I'm so sorry to hear this, Mary.

I always enjoyed Ken's posts here, and even corresponded with him a bit through email. His enthusiasm for the clarinet and historical recordings encouraged me to investigate more deeply, and had a real, positive influence on my playing.

Please know you will be in the thoughts and prayers of me and my family, and thank you so much for letting all of us from the BBoard know.

Peace and God Bless,


The Jazz Clarinet

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2017-07-14 04:06

Rest in Peace, Ken. We will miss you!

Post Edited (2017-07-14 04:46)

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: ClarinetRobt 
Date:   2017-07-14 04:27

Mary, my deepest condolences. I know countless times I thought, "I wonder what Ken has to say about this" on any given topic. His insight was inspirational - wisdom profound. Though I didn't know him personally, he felt like a father figure. He certainly gave things for me to think about and his help was immeasurable to me and, I suspect, to the entire Bboard community. Rest In Peace sir!

~Robt L Schwebel
Mthpc: Behn Vintage
Lig: Ishimori, Behn Delrin
Reed: Legere French Cut 3.75/4, Behn Brio 4
Horns: Uebel Superior (Bb,A), Ridenour Lyrique, Buffet R13 (Eb)

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2017-07-14 04:48
Attachment:  A silent tone.jpg (10k)

In memory of Ken Shaw:

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ed 
Date:   2017-07-14 04:59

Very sorry to hear this news and sorry for your loss. Ken made such great contributions here. I always looked forward to reading his posts and hearing his perspective. His input will be greatly missed. Luckily we can read posts in the archives and his presence will always be felt.

Post Edited (2017-07-14 17:20)

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: echi85 
Date:   2017-07-14 06:15

I have been a frequenter of this board for the last 20 years, having first discovered it while I was in middle school. Ken Shaw was a constant source of knowledge and wisdom to this community. Although I never really communicated with him, I always appreciated the thoughtfulness of his posts. He was one of the regulars whom everyone was always excited to hear from.

My deepest condolences to you and your family.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Tony F 
Date:   2017-07-14 06:48

I was saddened to read of Ken's passing. I've always enjoyed his contributions, and I'll miss reading them. My heartfelt commiserations.

Tony F.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Richie 
Date:   2017-07-14 07:57

Maybe sounding like a broken record here but I've always seen his posts on many topics since I've joined. Everyone here (including myself) have always enjoyed his insights on various discussions. Rest in Peace Ken. You've helped shape this board over the years into a respectful and helpful community.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: GBK 
Date:   2017-07-14 08:15

Besides the Archives, some of Ken's best postings are found in the Keepers section of the bulletin board.


Even if you've read some of them before, it's definitely worth the time to look at them once again.

Thanks, Ken, for making us all better musicians.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: jthole 
Date:   2017-07-14 09:56

I started reading this board in the late 1990's, and Ken was always there with very interesting and insightful posts. Very sorry to hear he has passed away. He will be missed.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: bond 
Date:   2017-07-14 10:59

Indeed, He will be missed. He always responded, he examined any question, and did not impose his opinion. His experience and wisdom will now be in short supply for all of us! Rest in Peace Ken.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Fishamble 
Date:   2017-07-14 11:03

I'm very sad to hear this. I learned a lot of Ken's posts, and he was one of the posters whom I would always pay attention to in a thread. He will be very much missed.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Phurster 
Date:   2017-07-14 11:48

My condolences to the family.
I always enjoyed Ken's posts and appreciated his love of clarinet and music.
Through this forum, I felt that I knew him.
He will be missed.
Chris Ondaatje.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2017-07-14 16:09

Mary, I'm so sorry to read such sad news. Thanks for telling us.

Rest In Peace Ken.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Katrina 
Date:   2017-07-14 17:14

I'm so sorry to hear this, Mary, and I send my deepest condolences.

Just so you know, I've had one of his posts printed out and in my studio for the last 10 years. His wisdom and generous calm nature were certainly an immense asset to the clarinet community here.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2017-07-14 18:06

I looked up my earliest correspondence with Ken - on this BBoard it looks like January 1999 but I know he joined even earlier.

I remember well visiting him in NYC and going out to a Chinese restaurant. I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but I certainly remember hours of fun-filled conversation. I'm happy to have been his Internet friend for somewhere over 18 years and he will be sorely missed.

Part of his posterity is his posts, and I know they will continue to enlighten generations to come.

Thank you Ken, and thank you Mary.

Mark Charette

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Alseg 
Date:   2017-07-14 18:46

Sad to hear this. He was a great contributor to this forum. His didactic lessons were cogent and fun to read.

-Where the Sound Matters Most(tm)-

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: eac 
Date:   2017-07-14 19:07

Ken was always gracious and kind as he shared his experience and knowledge with all of us. We will miss his gentle ways.

Liz Leckey

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Hank Lehrer 
Date:   2017-07-14 20:34

Ken's passing reminds me of our old pal, Don Berger. Both Ken and Don were pillars on this BB. Their advice was always thoughtful as well as very knowledgeable. We miss both of these guys very much.

As Don always closed his BB posts with "Thanx, Mark, Don" I'd like to amend that phase to read

Thanx, Ken, Hank

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: jbutler 2017
Date:   2017-07-15 00:02

I'm sorry to hear of Ken's passing. I knew he was having health issues. His contributions to the board are invaluable and I will miss his informative postings.

Thanks for the postings Ken! Thank you Mary for letting us know of his passing.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: RLarm 
Date:   2017-07-15 00:25

I am so sorry to hear of Ken's passing. It was a pleasure to read his posts which were very informative. My love and aloha to members of your family.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Caroline Smale 
Date:   2017-07-15 01:28

Ken was as appreciated on this side of the pond as over at home.
My sincere condolences Mary on your loss, he will be sadly missed on this board.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: hartt 
Date:   2017-07-15 20:36

My sincere heartfelt sympathy and condolences to all you and your family hold dear with the loss of Ken. I’m sure your family’s fond memories are filled with warmth and delight and, he will be treasured and dearly missed just as he will be in the clarinet world.

Dennis Charysyn

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-07-16 20:00

It's a beautiful rose on a silent clarinet. Thank you so much.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-07-16 20:02

Thanks for the link, Glen.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-07-16 20:06

Thanks Mark. I remember that evening at the restaurant fondly. You guys were having such a great time and conversation. I think it was called Grand Sichuan. It's gone now, but if you ever get to NYC, give me a shout out. I know another great Grand Sichuan in Brooklyn which has fantastic tea smoked duck.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-07-16 20:22

I just read Ken's post in the Keepers section on the Beethoven 6th. It has to be the best one of his that I have ever read!


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: GBK 
Date:   2017-07-16 21:05

Mary -

Ken's post on the Beethoven 6th has been my standard reference for all my students when studying that piece. It perfectly captures all the nuances of the clarinet part.

I give each of them a copy of it whenever we begin studying that symphony.

His legacy continues ... with my students.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Late_returner 
Date:   2017-07-16 21:28

I also need to express my appreciation from the UK for Kens help, and sadness at the news. He will be much missed.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Eina Kari Rajesh 
Date:   2017-07-18 08:17

My deepest condolences Mary.

Ken is like one sided love affair, where he might not have known how much he is being loved and valued.

For a novice like me, his wisdom and advice will be in me as long as I keep learning clarinet music.

You know what, once I even tried sending a friend request to Ken on Facebook, though I nomore on Facebook now.

May his soul rest in peace.


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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: clarinetguy 2017
Date:   2017-07-18 17:22

I'm very sorry to hear this sad news. I always looked forward to reading Ken's comments and suggestions.

We never met, although I discovered that both of us studied with Keith Stein. If I'm not mistaken, Ken studied with him at Interlochen in the late 50s, and I was one of his last students at Michigan State in the mid 70s. Stein was an incredible person and clarinet teacher, and he made a strong impression on us. His ideas evolved over the years, and it was always interesting to read Ken's comments about Stein's teaching and compare them to my experiences.

Mary, my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Post Edited (2017-07-18 20:07)

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Arnoldstang 
Date:   2017-07-21 22:40

Very sorry to hear about Ken's passing. He'll be missed by many people.

Freelance woodwind performer

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: cigleris 
Date:   2017-07-22 01:06

What a lovely chap and wonderful to talk with. We corresponded many times via email and later Facebook.

He'll be sorely missed. My condolences to his family.

Peter Cigleris

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Roxann 
Date:   2017-07-22 22:57

I'm deeply saddened by the news of Ken's passing. He was a constant help to me as well as an "encourager." He won't be forgotten.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: NetG 
Date:   2017-07-30 06:14

Sorry to hear this - my condolences to his family.

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2017-08-02 14:34

I know it's been a while since this was posted. I just want to add my condolences and also thank him for his contributions to the clarinet community, and to me personally.

I'll bet he didn't even know how much he helped me, and I can without a doubt say that without his tips, tricks, study and practice recommendations that he put on this board and that I followed, I would not have been successful enough in music to successfully audition for, and now be 14 years in my career as an Army clarinetist. It IS because of his recommended weekly schedule for baermann, his tips on air support and tonguing exercises, that I grew as a musician and it's posts from him and others that I was and am able to continue to grow.

If he can read this from that giant BBoard in the sky, thanks Ken.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Ken Shaw 2017
Date:   2017-08-26 02:15

I sent a copy of your responses to Ken's passing to his brother and he wants me to thank you all for your kind words. Ken really was special and your responses demonstrated that. For that, we both thank you.

I'm doing okay, but I sure do miss all the little things we did together that made such a difference in our lives. He always used to share what he considered his best writing with me before he posted it and we'd discuss it and try to make it even better. It was always fun to cooperate on those posts. Every once in a while I even had a good idea!

Mark/Glenn -- I'd like to stay connected to this board. Let me know when you want to renew Ken's subscription. Thanks.

Again to all, thanks

Mary Vinquist
(Mrs. Ken Shaw)

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 Re: Ken Shaw
Author: Natam17 
Date:   2025-02-25 07:22

I’ve enjoyed reading Ken’s posts on this board, however late I may be. I still discover some of his posts during my searches.

I have noticed that some of the late Ken Shaw’s instruments are listed on that auction site for sale (serial number on the bass matches and his name tag is on them). Is there news of Mary Vinquist?

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