The Clarinet BBoard
Author: DougR
Date: 2024-11-09 19:29
Hi folks.
My experience with these cases, the ones with the recessed holder for humidipaks in the lids, is after a few years of use they develop a sticky film on the exterior that can't be cleaned, un-stickified, or removed (at least not without methylated spirits and lots of elbow grease, and my question is, why should a consumer HAVE to do this anyway?).
I'm recommending (as a user) to consider my experience (and others', I'm by no means alone in this) BEFORE purchasing the damn things. If you want a well designed reed case that nonetheless becomes disgusting to touch (my view) after a couple of years, by all means buy them.
I have written to Daddario about this issue and my communication was ignored.
I now need to replace probably a dozen of the things, and will NOT be replacing them with Daddario products, since (again, my experience) Daddario just does not care.
Cheers, all!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2024-11-10 03:59
You'd have thought this sort of rubberised coating should have at least underwent stringent tests to see how durable it was and how well it and the underlying adhesive held up over time and through use before it was used on products that were put on the market. I bet loads of companies that used it on cameras, phones, remote controls and whatnot are now kicking themselves for using it due to all the complaints or returns, even though most returns would be out of warranty.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: DougR
Date: 2024-11-10 19:33
Chris P: exactly my thought.
Ed: thanks for your post. Gonna give Pereira a try. What did you use to remove the gunk?
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Author: Ed
Date: 2024-11-11 19:37
It was a while back, but I think I used one of the commercial products like Goo Gone and an abrasive pad. I have heard of some using other types of solvents like acetone.
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Author: lydian
Date: 2024-11-11 19:46
Unfortunately, gasoline works best. I've tried just about everything else with little success. This rubbery stuff seems to have been put on everything 15-20 years ago for its soft texture (remotes, etc.), and now all of it is sticky, not just reed cases. I don't think you can fault the manufacturers who had no idea it would degrade like this. Don't even get me started on plastic headlight lenses.
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2024-11-11 23:47
They’re the best reed case on the market. I experience the least warpage and holds Eb/Bb/Bass reeds comfortably.
They’re also pretty cheap. It’s not a realistic expectation that they will stay beautiful forever like grandpa’s Rolex watch.
James Garcia
Bass Clarinet/Clarinet III, Des Moines Symphony Orchestra
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Author: DougR
Date: 2024-11-12 04:06
Dear James Orlando Garcia--
Condescension and insults are not a good look. That is all.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2024-11-12 23:16
>> It’s not a realistic expectation that they will stay beautiful <<
That isn't the problem. It's that they become sticky and leave sticky residue on your hands when touching them, plus getting stuck a bit to anything they touch... like the clarinet case you want to put them in.
>> This rubbery stuff seems to have been put on everything 15-20 years ago for its soft texture (remotes, etc.), and now all of it is sticky, not just reed cases. <<
It seems that it happens with different materials because not all could be fixed the same way. Plier handles, old(ish) watches, pot handles, mouthpiece caps, etc. Some were fixed in a dishwasher but some remained the same. Acetone fixed some of them but not all. One mouthpiece cap remained slightly sticky no matter what I tried.
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Author: donald
Date: 2024-11-15 00:48
AAAAANNNND I just unearthed my wife's bass clarinet mouthpiece (unused for the last 5 years) complete with Vandoren Optimum ligature and Vandoren mouthpiece cap...
The mouthpiece cap is sticky. Ugh.
Post Edited (2024-11-15 07:11)
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2024-11-15 09:17
The Vandoren mouthpiece cap are particularly known for this. I changed mine for this reason. I'm using a BG cap that is actually much older than the Vandoren cap and not a hint of stickiness.
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Date: 2024-11-26 06:25
clarnibass wrote:
> The Vandoren mouthpiece cap are particularly known for this. I
> changed mine for this reason. I'm using a BG cap that is
> actually much older than the Vandoren cap and not a hint of
> stickiness.
It appears that Vandoren mpc cap and D'Addario reed case have a similar if not the same exterior finish that is prone to becoming rather sticky over time. I wonder if this could be prevented by a bit of lacquering?
Post Edited (2025-01-01 20:19)
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Author: David H. Kinder
Date: 2024-11-26 08:14
Get Mothers' VLR from your auto parts store. It's for Vinyl, Leather, and Rubber. I use it on my computer wrist rests and everything else. It will clean up anything with that rubberized texture.
Ridenour AureA Bb clarinet
Ridenour Homage mouthpiece
Vandoren Optimum Silver ligature (plate 1)
Vandoren #3 reeds
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2024-12-02 17:22
Even on their own, it seems that plastics do not last forever. Plastics on my 18-year-old car (284,000 miles) are getting brittle. There are also starting to be rust issues, but engine and transmission are going strong.
A lot of plastics will deteriorate over time, building up a film, especially if stored in an instrument case made with an incompatible plastic. Out-gassing from one plastic can soften another plastic. My own observation - I am not a chemist.
This has happened with my Vandoren tenor sax mouthpiece cap, which apparently is incompatible with the foam in my hard-pack case. Don't know what to do except replace the cap every so often, which is cheaper than getting a different case.
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Author: Slowoldman
Date: 2025-02-14 23:45
I recently tried a little bit of mineral spirits and "elbow grease". Worked very well.
Amateur musician, retired physician
Delaware Valley Wind Symphony, clarinet 1
Bucks County Symphony Orchestra, clarinet 2 (sub)
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