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 Clark W Fobes HDP Synthetic Bb Clarinet Barrel 65mm NEW
Author: hartt 
Date:   2025-02-22 23:08
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Clark W Fobes HDP Synthetic Bb Clarinet Barrel 65mm --- NEW

USA and Canada Sale only

$90. + 7.50 postage - shipped USPS 1st class

payment via PayPal -- family and friends (25caton@comcast.net)

Thank you

Post Edited (2025-03-10 17:00)

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 Re: Clark W Fobes HDP Synthetic Bb Clarinet Barrel 65mm NEW
Author: donald 
Date:   2025-02-26 18:55

I'm not buying this (already have one, plus outside USA/Canada) but giving a thumbs up for this product- I use one on my Bb for teaching to preserve the life span of my nice expensive custom wooden barrel, and often don't bother switching out for perfmance. On my A clarinet I've been using one exclusively for the last 4 or 5 years - I have a wooden one with slightly better sound, but the tuning and response are much more even with this.
These Fobes synthetic barrels really are a great product, very consistent (unlike another similar product used by many pro players in the 90s) and reliable and not suffering from the "tinny sound" of most of the other plastics I've tried.

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