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 For Sale: Buffet Festival Bb Clarinet
Author: MrWalnut4 
Date:   2025-02-08 03:05

I've recently decided to part ways with my Buffet Festival after owning it for about a decade. Purchased around 2015 and played through college until life caught up with me and I didn't have the time or passion to continue playing. It's been mostly dormant the past 5-6 years aside from a bit of practice every few months or so. Kept in a home with HVAC.

Produced in approximately 2004 based on what I could find of it's serial number. It has a very small amount of tarnish on the keys but is otherwise in excellent condition. Will need a service and new pads. Has a very warm and rich tone and plays very easily and open. I have several mouthpieces and barrels that I can include if interested as well.

I'm unsure as to it's exact value but am open to offers. Feel free to reach out if interested.

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 Re: For Sale: Buffet Festival Bb Clarinet
Author: Music4us 
Date:   2025-02-19 19:34


Where are you located?


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