The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: Mark Pinner
Date: 2003-09-24 12:33
Yes folks it is that time of the year again. Polkas, waltzes, Landlers and that bloody awful Clarinet Polka are about to haunt me, and others, for a month or two. Come to think of it the Pennsylvania Polka is also wearing thin, the Andrews Sisters have a lot to answer for including Bei Mi Bist du Schoen. Anybody else in the same predicament please feel free to vent your spleens here. Still, it is a living!
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-09-24 17:16
Where do you live? Not much Oktoberfest here in Michigan. The nearest I am aware of is in Kitchener, Ontario. As for me, I could never play worth a hill of beans after one beer.
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Author: Steve Epstein
Date: 2003-09-24 21:32
I love to play this kind of stuff - but then, I'm an amateur, so it's not like I do it all the time. When I was a kid growing up, my teacher used to confide that he and his colleagues hated playing certain tunes, like The Alley Cat, that they had to play over and over at weddings, bar mitzvahs and other affairs.
Like Ralph, I can't play worth anything after one beer. My lips go and I can't see the music, either.
Perhaps you'd like to get another fakebook that may have more interesting polkas and other such "vintage" dance tunes. Click here
Steve Epstein
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-09-25 12:10
Oh darn i missed it too bad mebbe next year...
Frankenmuth is too much carnival town for me. Once I drove back from the airport sitting next to someone who had been a teacher in Frankenmuth. Seemed to me to be a very personable lady. She said that after two years of not being able to make a friend, of nobody speaking to her at Church, she moved on. This is the way it is with carney towns - you are sized up as either a carney or a mark.
Honey, the moths ate my lederhosen...
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-09-25 12:16
Ralph Katz wrote:
> Frankenmuth is too much carnival town for me.
The definition of an Oktoberfest
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-09-25 15:07
I smell money in the air, but I don't know the repertoire. Which academies teach clarinetists to play Landlers? How about Kopanica's?
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2003-09-25 21:19
I'll teach ya a kopanica or two!
And I can play on beer. It's the rakia that'll get ya!
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-09-26 11:43
I know one kopanica, transcribed from a recording, all in the lower register. Ornamenting it is another issue, though. BTW check the events calendar for Oct. 28, 03.
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Author: Mark Pinner
Date: 2003-09-27 12:52
Eat my shorts. It is mid spring here, Sydney, so most of my Octoberfest gigs thus far have been above 25 degrees celsius which makes the lederhosen thing more bearable. Last night the Clarinet Polka was preceded by that other delight, Hava Nagilah, unlikely I know but it happened. Life just gets better and better. Of to Newcastle 100 miles north next weekend for a flying visit, two afternoon gigs and a night off in the beer drinking capital of the world. I might go to the Irish pub which ironically has funk bands on Saturday nights. Followed by a public holiday Monday gig at Fox studios. I will be sure to play the Clarinet Polka on all of these gigs just to complete lifes destiny. I have to wait until Tuesday for a non Octoberfest gig. I love this time of year and so does my accountant. Forget the beer just go straight for the Slivovicz or Maraska you can really play by ear then!
Shana tova tiketevu or where I come from tizkoo la shenarim rabot!
Post Edited (2003-09-27 12:55)
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-09-28 02:04
Sorry, even salt won't make the lederhosen taste good.
If your accountant is happy, then by definition you are happy, too.
If you can afford the Slivovicz, all the better.
Hava nagila; hava 'nother nagila.
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Author: William
Date: 2003-10-18 23:42
Just played an Octoberfest in New Glarus (Eb clar & Alto Sax), WI with the Max Draxler Bavarian Brass Band. I feel your pain...................
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