Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2009-04-04 03:38
Two of us, clarinet and piano, have been booking things for later this year, for events which would normally go to larger groups. The downside, though, is that we each have to work harder.
I have been playing with a "contra" band , normally 8-10 people, for similar reasons to the community orchestra. The leader got us a gig playing a party - some contra, some international, some klez. I didn't want to take it, until I found out that only the best 4 people were available (fiddle, clarinet, trombone, piano). This could be some real fun, and I will get paid extra to bring my sound system.
Another thing I have been doing, is that I have been playing a benefit concert for my Brotherhood group the last few years. I view this repertoire-building exercise as yet another thing to keep my music in the public eye. Last year we did Brahms 2, Shepherd on the Rock, and some other stuff. This year (I hope) Brahms 1 and the Nielsen wind quintet.
As an added benefit, it appears that the community orchestra and benefits have generated enough material for an audition CD.