The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: masel
Date: 2007-03-12 08:02
I just started learning clarinet and am going to buy one. My teacher is a self-taught virtuoso, he plays amazing, the only problem is he does not seem to know that there is the albert and oheler systems. At least that's what I think, the language we speak to eachother is not his mother tongue. He simply refers to "german" system or "french". I THINK he plays the oheler and he found one for me to buy, he can fluently play quarter tones on it etc. I am wondering though he easy it will be for me, and whether it would be easier on an albert.
What are the physical differences?
What's the difference between albert and oheler? new |
masel |
2007-03-12 08:02 |
tictactux |
2007-03-13 14:38 |
bkmoore |
2007-03-14 19:00 |
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