The Fingering Forum
Author: musichick
Date: 2003-07-04 00:43
I have a piece of music that is in cut time, but next to the discription of the music it sais "slow four." Is it in 2/4 or 4/4??
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Author: Dee
Date: 2003-07-04 01:35
Cut time is 2/2 but if played as a "slow four" then that is equivalent to 4/4.
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Author: d-oboe
Date: 2003-07-04 15:39
I'm confused...wouldn't a 2/2 time signature conducted in four be a fast four? hmm...maybe it's just me
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Author: Torus Tubarius
Date: 2003-07-04 15:50
It would be a fast four only relative to the two beats represented by the two half notes in the measure, twice as fast actually (duh, right?)
Time signature tells you <i>nothing at all</i> about the tempo. All it really tells you is how the whole note is divided between measures. The beat is determined by the sound of the music, not the marking on the page.
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Author: musichick
Date: 2003-07-05 17:58
so i would play it in a slow 4/4 tempo, and it has cut 2/2 because thats the way its written, even though its played in slow four?
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Author: Torustubarius
Date: 2003-07-06 05:49
Right. What really matters is how many whole notes there are per measure. In cut time, there is still one whole note per measure, which means two half notes, four quarters, etc. So to count each measure of cut time in a slow four means you would count each measure as if you were counting a piece in 4/4.
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