The Fingering Forum
Author: C.D.C
Date: 2004-05-09 17:41
My ocarina has 4 holes left hand (one in the back) and 4 holes right hand. Do you know were I can find music for it?
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Author: Davide
Date: 2004-05-12 09:37
Try it: and click on ocarina.
there are much related links within scores for ocarina in mp3, midi, pdf etc, to play your ocarina.
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Author: anthoney
Date: 2004-05-29 18:25
my ocarina has 3 hole in front and one in back for left and the same for the left. i cant find music help please!!!!!!!!
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Author: sally
Date: 2005-01-02 10:17
i have recently got an 8 holed ocarina and i really want to learn how to play it but i have found NO music!!!!! please let me no if you find any.
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Author: Jake
Date: 2005-02-18 03:22
I need music for my 8 holed ocarina just like other millions of people! Help!!!!! :`(
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Author: Jon
Date: 2005-03-02 22:32
there really isn't any reason to put this after so many others tried, but I, also, need music or at least the notes for an 8 holed ocarina.
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Author: Confettie
Date: 2006-03-21 14:44
I have an 8 hole ocarina, 8 on top, 2 on bottom. Im looking for zelda music to play and a finger chart for my ocarina. If someone finds something plz email it to me thanx!
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Author: Ellie
Date: 2006-04-04 18:11
I have a ocarina with six holes on top and two on the bottom and then I also have one with four on top and two on the bottom. If anybody could help me find music for ethier of these it would be great.
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Author: pikapika!
Date: 2007-03-24 17:15
You can get music for the peruvian 8 holed ocarina (6 ontop two on the bottom) on:
and the fingering chart with notes is:

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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2007-05-10 14:57
pikapika stole that fingering chart off my website, but I really doubt that it will be very much use to you, as all Peruvian ocarinas are different. You really need to work out the scale for your own ocarina yourself, by lifting fingers and seeing what note you get.
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Author: pikapika!
Date: 2008-02-02 17:40
i didn't "steal" it for starters it wasn't yours and i adapted it.
the fingering chart is for the basic and most common peruvian ocarina and if it supposedly wasn't much use why did you suggest it in the first place.
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Author: MusicalScribbler
Date: 2008-02-19 22:52
Actually, Pikapika, Gnomon has a point. The notes are different for Ocarinas depending on how they are tuned. For example, my ocarina is tuned to the key of A, so the notes that you put on the fingering chart are useless to me, since my do is an "a", and you have the do labelled as a "c". The fingerings are the same, but the notes the instruments produce are different depending on how the instrument is tuned. Gnomon chose not to put notes on his fingering chart so that it could be used for every peruvian ocarina no matter how it was tuned. The player simply has to figure out which key he/she is in, which is easily done.
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