The Doublers BBoard
Author: HenryG123789
Date: 2025-01-04 03:15
I’m a youth clarinetist, and was wondering if anyone had a tips on learning the alto sax/flute for use in my high school pit orchestra. This would be for next school year, so no need for tips to rush through learning them. Also, if I am just playing them occasionally, what level of private lessons should I get? None at all or by need?
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Author: concertmaster3
Date: 2025-01-06 08:20
Take lessons! A good teacher for a multi-instrumentalist is a specialist on that instrument that understands fundamentals.
There are a few anomalies in the "doubling" world that can teach you equally across a large range, but that's not always the case. A teacher who plays multiple instruments would be good once you get your foundation set though.
(I say this as a teacher of multiple instruments, however, I do get all kinds of bookings on the other instruments, just as much as my "primary," even when not doubling.)
Ron Ford
Woodwind Specialist
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