The Doublers BBoard
Author: BbMajorBoy
Date: 2014-04-12 22:03
Good day all, I have just bought an r13 after trying a few of them. I'm looking to buy a new sax too and was wondering if, in the way clarinets can be better or worse that the previous horn, saxes vary in tuning, free blowingness and general nice to play ness. I apologise for this terrible wording but it is very late and I am worn out.
Leonard Bernstein: "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time."
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Author: Funfly
Date: 2014-05-25 02:54
As you will have seen browsing these noble threads, clarinetists and saxophonists live a life in pursuit of the perfect horn, the perfect mouthpiece, the perfect ligature and the perfect reed.
Many of them end up owning many instruments and combinations, it is a path down which they relentlessly plod.
So you will never get the right instrument and whatever you do get there will be someone who will tell you that you could have done better and someone who will tell you that you did right.
If the r13 seems the best option for you - the best sound at the right price - then you did the right thing. If you want a sax then I would suggest that you try a few at professional level (same as your clarinet) and buy the one you like best.
If you are a good saxophonist then you will be able to tell which is the best sound, if you are a beginner, as long as you buy a good one, then you won't be disappointed.
That's just what I think, but hey...
Martyn Thatcher Mature Student Cheshire U.K.
Clarinet - Yamaha SE Custom
Alto Sax - Yamaha YAS 480
Guitar - Yamaha FG 375-S
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Author: Funfly
Date: 2014-05-26 02:00
Have you bought one yet?
I have a Yamaha 480 which is not pro standard but well reviewed. Cost in the UK around £1,300
Martyn Thatcher Mature Student Cheshire U.K.
Clarinet - Yamaha SE Custom
Alto Sax - Yamaha YAS 480
Guitar - Yamaha FG 375-S
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