The Doublers BBoard
Author: oboesax
Date: 2010-12-19 00:00
My daughter (age 15, primary instruments alto/sop sax and oboe) needs a tenor sax to play in an upcoming school musical and several later in 2011. We are having a hard time finding her a decent tenor to rent.
As I've read on these forums, musicians don't lend out their instruments (for good reasons). But music stores also don't lend out anything but used beginner models.
Last year at school she played on a Sherwood Master tenor (circa 1942?) that the school owns. Although I understand it's a good horn, it didn't work too well for her.
I was wondering if we should buy a Rossetti tenor sax. A local shop is selling a new one for $390. My daughter tried it and liked it a lot better than the Sherwood Master. I've read what I can find about Chinese-made horns, and see that most information is negative. However, last year she did try out lots of used sopranos and ended up buying a Chinese-made soprano that has a wonderful sound and is in tune. She's had no issues with maintenance and considers it a great horn.
She plays a Yamaha alto (YAS-875 EX B) and prefers it over a Selmer.
I can't buy a more expensive tenor sax right now because we are buying her a new oboe.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Author: oboeidaho
Date: 2010-12-19 07:34
First, I have not played a Rossetti tenor. I have not heard great things about Chinese horns, BUT I would pay an actual saxophone player to try this horn before you buy it. I think you mentioned she is taking alto lessons? That teacher will either be able to play or recommend a tenor player I'm sure.
It might be worth it to just rent a couple of times for a month, I did that when I needed a bass clarinet and it worked out great.
On the other hand, I got my incredible Vito (this is a joke, it isn't incredible, but it is just fine for me in the pit) for $400 on Craigslist. It even came with 3 mouthpieces, 2 were worth over $100 - so I feel like I got a heck of a deal. It is not what someone would want if they were ONLY playing tenor, but it is perfect for what I use it for - pit doubling and occasional big band stuff.
Just my opinion - of course a more spendy tenor would be great, but I'd WAY rather have my Laubin and Loree oboes!
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Author: oboesax
Date: 2010-12-19 11:07
Thanks oboeidaho. Your situation sounds similar to my daughter's. She will only be playing the tenor in pit orchestras, and I think that's the difference. She finds the Chinese horn easier to play, while the pros prefer the classic sax since that's their main instrument. She went through this issue last year with a classic old tenor. Her teacher at that time was a tenor player, and he said to play the classic sax since it worked great for him. But she is getting a better sound out of the Chinese sax. She's not going to expend a lot of time working on the tenor at this point, because she needs to develop her primary instruments right now.
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Author: Wes
Date: 2011-02-27 05:38
I've heard that some Rossetti instruments are made in India.
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Author: Joseph Tomasso
Date: 2011-11-26 15:05
There is nothing wrong with using a student instrument in these situations. I used to use a plastic yamaha clarinet in pit orchestras for the safety of my wood horn. Now I have backup wooden instrument, but it took about 10 years to get the finances in order for that!
Get a student yamaha instrument, they are outstanding. Buy a nicer mouthpiece (I suggest a vandoren TL3) and stick with premium reeds.
If she plays saxophone she will be required to play them all anyway. Every minute she spends on tenor is helping her alto playing, her soprano playing, and her bari playing. There really is no such thing as saying "alto" or "soprano" saxophone are a primary instrument. That is just the nature of the saxophone world, and the music world really. As a doubler, she might as well start now. I alternate my technical exercises every other day between alto/tenor/soprano or Bb/A/Eb clarinet, or oboe/ehorn etc... Playing the auxiliary instruments well expose flaws on the "standard" horns so its extremely beneficial. If I never worked through my scales on Eb clarinet who knows if I would have control over the extremely high range anyway?
Dont forget musical instruments serve there here, now, and tomorrow. A yamaha student instrument is going to last. Will the others? Will it have any resale value? Will it stay in adjustment? Will it require hundreds of dollars in repairs?
Good luck, but my strong vote is a No on the Rossetti.
Bachelor of Music, Sax/Clarinet Performance (2005, 06)
Master of Music, Multiple Woodwind Performance (2008)
Master of Music, Oboe Performance (2013)
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra (Clarinet)
University of Florida 2010-2011(Visiting Lecturer in Woodwi
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Author: oboesax
Date: 2011-11-26 16:24
Thanks for the suggestion to get a Yamaha. We haven't gotten her a tenor sax (yet?). She needed one a couple of times and it's been easy to borrow a Bundy model from the local music shop, which worked well for her.
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