The Bassoon BBoard
Author: Jaysne
Date: 2010-01-29 01:28
Is there a certain type of glue one should use in reattaching the ring to the top of my bell joint?
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Author: Caroline Smale
Date: 2010-01-29 21:56
Depends a bit on the quality and material of your instrument.
For the average bassoon I would suggest an epoxy resin such as (in the UK) Araldite.
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Author: Ian White
Date: 2010-01-31 09:20
I prefer to use an adhesive which doesn't stick to the ring too firmly on the instrument. The traditional material is shellac but another idea is to use wood glue (not waterproof). As much damage can be caused to a bell by a rigidly fixed ring as if there were no ring. It's best that if heavily knocked the ring breaks & comes off leaving the bell undamaged & any remenants left on the bell can be removed easily.
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