The Bassoon BBoard
Author: Jaysne
Date: 2009-07-31 23:24
Tonight after I practiced I removed the wing joint to swab it, and found that the metal sleeve that fits into the corresponding hole in the boot had come out and was stuck around the wing joint tenon. I was able to take the sleeve off the tenon, but when I tried to slip it back into the boot, it wouldn't go in all the way. I was afraid to break out my hammer and other tools for fear of damaging it.
Anyone know if this can be a do-it-yourself repair? I'm wondering how to get the sleeve back in there without damaging it, and also if I need to apply some type of glue. Thanks!
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Author: Ian White
Date: 2009-08-03 08:13
Clean the socket & the liner. Sometimes you will find that the wood has moved & the hole is oval rather than round so the liner might fit best in one direction. Refit using epoxy resin (It's not a good idea to use superglue as, if you have problems inserting the liner, you could end up with it not fully home before the glue sets) ensuring that there is plenty of glue at the bottom of the socket so that no water can get between the wood & liner to cause rotting. Wipe off excess glue in the bore & at the top & leave to set.
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