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 Revisiting my S. Incagnoli oboe
Author: Jaysne 
Date:   2024-04-24 00:05

I posted about this back in 2007. I own a wood oboe marked simply "S. Incagnoli Roma." It has no serial number.

I've been trying to determine when it might have been made. I've only been able to dig up a few bits of information:

1. "S." stand for Spartaco (pretty cool first name). Spartaco Incagnoli was an oboe player and professor in Italy.
2. The Orsi company in Milan made some oboes for him to his specifications with his name on them.
3.It has a Prestini system keywork.
4. Possible guesses for the date of manufacture range from the 1950s to the 1960s.

I'd love it if anybody can add to this. Thanks!

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 Re: Revisiting my S. Incagnoli oboe
Author: wkleung 
Date:   2024-05-07 00:35

I too own an Incagnoli oboe. Like yours, it is also a Prestini system and lacks a serial number. I got it from an online auction a while back and am also wonder what is its vintage.

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 Re: Revisiting my S. Incagnoli oboe
Author: Jaysne 
Date:   2024-05-08 00:34

Since I made this post, I have been in touch with an Italian oboist named Carlo Romano, who actually knew Mr. Incagnoli. He said that Spartacus (not Spartaco) began the company in Rome in the 1950s. He said they made oboes and English horns for about 40 years, and then the company folded. He also said that Spartacus helped design oboes for the Orsi company. (I had been told previously that Orsi had made oboes for Incagnoli.) Spartacus passed away about 35 years ago.

To get more details, I suppose one would have to visit the Rome Chamber of Commerce. :)

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