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 Howarth s40
Author: hank56 
Date:   2023-09-23 14:18

Can anyone give me the recently purchase price of the Howarth s40.
And any recommecond on this insturment .Thanks .

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 Re: Howarth s40
Author: tgenns 
Date:   2023-09-24 05:24


I've seen an online list price (9/23/23) in America (http://www.innoledy.com) for $3,540. As for a recommendation, I have not played one, but here is Celia Craig talking about it and playing on it along with two other oboes -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtQX5AzhN1o&t=67s .


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 Re: Howarth s40
Author: Hotboy 
Date:   2023-09-25 20:04

I have several students who have bought an S40C. Generally, they are good reliable instruments with excellent intonation. The sound is on the darker side when compared to a Loree. Keep in mind that this model is a modified conservatory instrument that has complete keywork except for the split ring 6th finger.

Bay Area, California

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