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 1/2 pitch flat
Author: Bob Oz 
Date:   2022-01-18 00:03

I haven't played since highschool (40+ years ago), and I'm having difficulties getting my instrument up to pitch.
The entire lower register is 1/2 pitch flat, the upper octaves seem to be in pitch with little effort.

Any idea what can be done?

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 Re: 1/2 pitch flat
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2022-01-18 21:17

What kind of reeds are you using and how long is the scrape on your reed? If it's almost down to the level of the binding and done too deeply, that can make things very flat in the lower register and flexible in the upper register.

Also, what make and model oboe have you got?

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: 1/2 pitch flat
Author: Hotboy 
Date:   2022-01-19 01:53

I recommend that you take at least one lesson with a local pro who can tell you what's going on. Your reeds might be too long, too open, too wide, or your oboe might have a problem.

Bay Area, California

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 Re: 1/2 pitch flat
Author: Bob Oz 
Date:   2022-01-19 20:01

The problem is with my 50+ year old Marigaux...
I'm using reeds I bought from Amazon, but my teacher this summer taught me how to adjust them.

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 Re: 1/2 pitch flat
Author: Bob Oz 
Date:   2022-01-19 20:03

My teacher this summer pointed out the issue.
But it seems to be a problem with my backup oboe as well...

I was hoping I'd be able to buy reeds that were just a bit shorter, to make up for my lack of embrechoure control

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 Re: 1/2 pitch flat
Author: Hotboy 
Date:   2022-01-19 20:25

Every oboist must develop embouchure muscles. The only way to do that is to practice until your mouth is fully, utterly, and profoundly fatigued. Over time, your muscles will strengthen. It's an uncomfortable process but necessary.

Try the following to raise your pitch:
- Roll your bottom lip in more and put more reed into your mouth.
- Open your throat like you're yawning and blow harder.
- Open your teeth like you're about to take a big bite from an apple and blow harder.

Bay Area, California

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