The Oboe BBoard
Author: mberkowski
Date: 2020-08-02 17:15
Hi all,
I was looking at oboe cane offerings at Midwest Musical Imports and noticed they include a note on gouged cane measurements:
"Keep in mind that different micrometers may give different readings than expected. Do not use a micrometer meant for finished reeds - meaning a micrometer with a narrow, more pointed indicator. This is not an accurate reading of the center gouge."
I think I just assumed that the more pointed the micrometer tip, the more accurate reading as long too much pressure isn't applied. I have two dial micrometers - a generic one with a ball bearing tip like a ballpoint pen, and a Mitutoyo with a round bead tip slightly smaller than the generic one. The Mitutoyo's smaller tip tends to read slightly lower measurements than the other one (it's also a higher quality instrument)
Opinions and agreement/disagreement with MMI's statement? What type of micrometer tip do you prefer to measure gouged cane with?
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