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 adjustment screw loose in socket
Author: tgenns 
Date:   2020-07-26 22:47


I recently replaced an old adjustment screw in my Loree oboe. Unfortunately, the new screw is loose in the socket so that it is not secure. Any suggestions for adding an adhesive / material that will add some friction and tightness to the connection so that I can get a secure adjustment.


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 Re: adjustment screw loose in socket
Author: oboist2 
Date:   2020-07-27 01:36

Perhaps something like Locktite would do the job. Yeas ago I used to use clear nail varnish - it is easy to remove when needed.

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 Re: adjustment screw loose in socket
Author: tgenns 
Date:   2020-07-27 06:50

Thanks, I'll probably give the clear nail polish a try first since I have it on hand.


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 Re: adjustment screw loose in socket
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2020-07-27 22:30

Clear nail varnish is definitely your safest bet until you can get the adjusting screw refitted.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: adjustment screw loose in socket
Author: tgenns 
Date:   2020-07-28 01:19

Thanks Chris...

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