The Oboe BBoard
Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2019-06-05 01:38
When I try to correct / edit my own comments I get this message.
"You are not allowed to edit this post"
Why is this happening ?
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Author: steve1221
Date: 2019-06-13 05:49
Are you logged on -and as you know the edit button is in the window the post is - lower right corner.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2019-06-13 14:52
Yes, I was logged on and know where the edit button is.
Oh ok , actually I wasn't logged on. I was logged off. Must have happened when I deleted my recent browsing history as all other sites I regularly visit also needed to be re-logged in.
Thanks Steve.
Post Edited (2019-06-13 15:08)
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