The Oboe BBoard
Author: mroboe
Date: 2018-03-04 07:49
I just recently received an older (A. Robert circa 1920's) oboe d'amore and was surprised to find out while testing it that it has a LH C# key in the same spot the low Bb key would be on an oboe. I have never encountered any instrument with a LH C# key before and was wondering how common such a feature is and if it would have been a standard addition during manufacturing or would have been a later modification?
Even after only a few days, I can see the benefit to having access to this alternative fingering, and would be interested to play an oboe with one. But, when these are used on an oboe, where would the key be located?
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Author: Hotboy
Date: 2018-05-08 22:08
40+ years ago, I played on a borrowed instrument with a left C#, and I liked it very much. I forget which brand it was, but it might have been a Marigaux.
I found it very convenient to use because it solved some of the classic note pattern problems associated with keys of four flats or more, especially F melodic minor. I wish Loree offered a left C#.
Bay Area, California
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