The Oboe BBoard
Author: Jim22
Date: 2017-09-28 05:57
90 degrees and humid outside, 70 degrees inside, and all the reeds I tried to play were a disaster at today's rehearsal. Any hints that would help a newish player maintain a playable set of reeds? Even my teachers reeds are not really working for me these days. Most are sharp, some are unstable, most are too closed, some are really worn out. I don't think my reeds can cut it yet.
Jim C.
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Author: Wes
Date: 2017-09-28 21:43
One can try drying the reeds in their open case by having an incandescent desk lamp over them for five minutes or so. Too wet reeds can be stiff and hard to play.
Despite some negative comments on crowing of reeds, I still find that crowing a reed to be C by blowing with the lips on the cane next to the thread and also on the very tip can assure better tuning.
When crowing a reed by blowing easy to strong, it should maintain a constant pitch of C, not sounding like a police siren (as per Light's book). This will improve reed stability. Good luck!
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Author: Jim22
Date: 2017-09-29 07:47
Well, tonight at a rehearsal I played one of the reeds I made. Not perfect, but probably as good as the ones I've paid for lately. Also, imjustnyied 5 more a little longer than I had been. I'll scrape them a bit tomorrow and see how they go.
Jim C.
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