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 Chudnow staples
Author: ckoboe777 
Date:   2016-07-19 06:47

I have been using Loree AK and Pisoni Deluxe staples for a while now... But recently, I have taken an interest in Chudnow Sierra staples. All the Sierra staples that I've tried out before did not fit my Loree mandrel well. However, I've heard that Mr. Chudnow has changed the design of the Sierra in the last month or two...

Do these "new" Sierra staples fit on Loree mandrels?


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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: Oboehotty 
Date:   2016-07-20 07:09

I hope he hasn't changed them! I have tried many different kinds and always come back to the Sierra...they are a great fit for my mandrel, setup, scrape, shape, and horn. 😀

Professor of Oboe - Youngstown State University
Howland Local Schools - MS Dir. Of Bands/HS Asst. Dir (Marching, Symphonic)

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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: ckoboe777 
Date:   2016-07-20 09:56

Just out of curiosity, what mandrel do you use?


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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: Oboehotty 
Date:   2016-07-21 06:56

I think it's his chudnow mandrel....not sure. I have had it for about 16 years.

Professor of Oboe - Youngstown State University
Howland Local Schools - MS Dir. Of Bands/HS Asst. Dir (Marching, Symphonic)

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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: rgombine 
Date:   2016-07-21 21:28

FWIW These staples fit my Rigotti mandrel perfectly. And maybe I'm crazy but I far prefer the gold plated version. (Have been told materials shouldn't matter but I have far better luck w the gold then the brass)

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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: oboi 
Date:   2016-07-24 06:07

I use a Chudnow mandrel on the old Sierra staples. Good fit. They don't seem to fit my Rigotti very well.

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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: rgombine 
Date:   2016-07-24 07:38

Odd. They fit mine perfectly. Must be variations in Mandrel quality control (not shocking I guess). I have had to send back a few chudnow staples b/c fit was too tight, but probably no more than 10%.

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 Re: Chudnow staples
Author: matt_lin18 
Date:   2016-07-24 21:37

The Chudnow staples fit my Rigotti mandrel just fine. The tip of the mandrel just peek over the edge of the staple a little bit. They're not terribly expensive either, about $20 instead of $90 for the Loree mandrels.

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