The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bambi
Date: 2002-12-14 00:52
hmm...i need two contrasting etudes from Rose 32.
can any of you recommend a few that you like?
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Author: Tom Piercy
Date: 2002-12-14 01:13
In preparation for a student of mine auditioning for New England Conservatory of Music, this is part of their requirements:
"Prepare two etudes, one from each group, from Rose 32 Etudes (Carl Fischer edition): (1, 11, 13, 19, 21, or 31.) and (10, 16, 20, or 24.)."
This should be a good and helpful guide as to what a college is looking for.
Thomas Piercy
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Author: Mario
Date: 2002-12-15 03:56
My clarinet teacher once told me that, as part of his clarinet master degree recital, he (as well as all other aspiring clarinet virtuosos), he was asked to prepare one slow Rose study from Ferling, in a simple key (say #11).
It was panic time. The expectations were simply for perfection.
Master students confortable with repertoire at the very edge of the clarinet technique ended up working weeks on this single page of music, and were stressed as they had never been before by the idea of playing a simple Rose study in front of Grand Masters.
Those Rose studies are sooooooooo good for us.
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Author: James
Date: 2002-12-15 17:00
Ahh.. I just saw that in my curtis info. Thanks for asking the question bambi.
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Author: Lindsey
Date: 2002-12-15 19:27
Well, I was going to give you a full suggestion, but I can't find my folder at the moment :-P
I like #14, though
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Author: Mike
Date: 2002-12-19 19:13
10 & 19 are great. I just used the for an audition myself.
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