The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Benni
Date: 2002-12-14 15:53
I know there's probably been lots of threads on mouthpieces on here, but I was wondering if anyone could give me a few suggestions in this scenario:
I currently have a K10M and play a #3.5 or 4 reed on it, and I like the response and dynamic capabilities, but I find I'm very prone to squeaks on it, especially when playing loud. I played on a B45 dot (yes, I know . . . pretty much on the other end of the spectrum) for quite a few months, and I really liked the volume I could get out of it, plus the complete lack of squeaks and the general freedom of it all. I played about a #3 reed on it. The only thing I didn't like was the poor response and its tendency to sound fuzzy when played softly.
Now, I know there's a ton of mouthpieces out there that are basically inbetween these two, but does anyone have any suggestions about a mouthpiece you think would fit what I'm looking for? I want to narrow down the field before I start odering lots of trials . . .
BTW, I play a Selmer Series 9 if that influences your advice at all.
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2002-12-14 17:07
Softer reeds and a mouthpiece that fits large bore clarinets will be a better may also get some more flexibility in your sound with such a set up.
The LeBlanc 'Pete Fountain' crystal mouthpiece, for starters?
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Author: Gary Van Cott
Date: 2002-12-14 18:20
It may be that your K10M is defective. It you like it a lot you may want to try several others of the same model and see if you have the same problem.
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Author: Marge
Date: 2002-12-14 20:02
If you're looking for an open-tip mouthpiece: a Gigliotti 4 works pretty well for me, though of course it might not for you. FYI: it seems to be an unusually "fat" mouthpiece, and all ligatures will not fit on it. A homemade Velcro ligature will fit, of course, and so will a Gigliotti plastic one (just be careful as some have reported that the screws can strip).
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2002-12-14 23:18
Yep, what Marge points out is the requirement for fitting larger bore instruments - shorter overall length, wider bore outlet.
The older o'Brien stuff could be a good fit, too.
Make certain that you can either play before purchase or have a right to return, in any case.
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Author: Benny
Date: 2002-12-15 00:00
Go for a Gregory Smith mouthpiece. Even though they are somewhat expensive, they are handmade and are very nice mouthpieces. There are several different facing styles, and they are available from IMS or BW&WW (mail order companies). Try several before you choose one for keeps.
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Author: Benni
Date: 2002-12-15 02:59
Thanks for all the suggestions so far . . . I was actually thinking earlier about trying the Pete Fountain mpc because the specs are close to that of the B45 dot, but I've heard that crystal gives some players more control. I'm thinking about ordering from Muncy Winds - they have a fairly long trial period, a large selection, and others I know have had good experiences with them.
Also, there always is the possibility that I have a faulty K10M . . . Still, I really think I need something a tad more open.
Feel free to add more advice! ;-)
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Author: Heidi
Date: 2002-12-15 03:44
Muncy's a great store. I order with them all the time. They get your orders to you quickly, they know what they're talking about, and are very nice folks!
Good luck!
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Author: Gregory Smith
Date: 2002-12-15 03:48
My mouthpieces are not and have never been provided to or made available through retail stores.
I work only with individual clarinetists in person or through the mail. Please go to the sponsors page and click on my company icon to get to the website.
Thank you.
Gregory Smith
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Author: Fred
Date: 2002-12-15 21:08
I'm another firm believer in Greg Smith mouthpieces. I've played more than enough others to have paid for one long ago, but only a year ago I decided to get what others had been raving about. Greg worked patiently with me and made sure I got the right mouthpiece for my needs. And I couldn't be happier.
I recently bought another R13 which had a B45 Lyre mouthpiece in the case. The B45 Lyre seemed to be well recommended, so I thought I'd give it a try. Sorry, Charlie . . . it's not even close . . . not in a thousand lifetimes. I'm spoiled . . . and I'm lovin' it.
Thanks, Greg!
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Author: Benni
Date: 2002-12-16 01:30
Unfortunately, I think the Gregory Smith mouthpieces are a bit out of my price range . . . :-(
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2002-12-16 18:34
Benni -
You buy a mouthpiece once. Save your pennies, give yourself a holiday present, and go for the good stuff. Your wallet will hurt for a month. Your playing will benefit forever.
Best regards.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Fred
Date: 2002-12-16 21:14
Benni, look at it another way:
If a clarinet guru came to you with a highly prepared pro clarinet and said you could buy it for your clarinet plus $200 . . . would you do it? (I would!) But the Greg Smith mouthpiece would likely change your sound considerably more than any Brannenized hot rod you could buy.
Or . . . how many $60 mouthpieces do you have around the house that you hoped would work? I honestly don't think you can buy more improvement for $200, but all it costs is shipping to find out for yourself. But to be fair . . . you should be ready to spend the $175-200 if it's as good as you hope it will be.
My Opinion Only
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2002-12-17 22:18
i recommend the larry combs lc3 if you dont want to pay for a custom job.better than any vandoreen i ever played
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Author: Benni
Date: 2002-12-19 23:39
Does anyone know where I can find a comparison chart for the facing lengths and tip openings of these mouthpieces (not just the Vandorens . . . theirs are on their site)? I used to know of one online, but now I can't find it.
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