The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jean
Date: 2002-11-27 23:42
As a part of my master's thesis I am trying to determine when band programs began in the public schools. As I have mentioned on the bb previously my father and his time in the Army as a clarinetist is the subject of my thesis. However as background information I am trying to find some information about band programs. My dad started in 1942 as a 10 year old when he went from country school to town school I wrote a letter to the editor of my hometown paper asking if any readers may know about my dad's school (also the school I attended).
Perhaps some of our older posters know of their own particular situation. My town had what they called a cadet band for many years. I am wondering if the demise of the town's band led to the formation of the school program. I am always reminded of Harold Hill when I ponder the formation of a "boys' band."
Thanks in advance. Gobble, Gobble....
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Author: Dee
Date: 2002-11-28 03:14
Well I have seen a picture of my grandmother in her high school band. It was a small school so the band numbered only about 6 people. The picture would have been taken sometime in the 1920s.
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Author: Willie
Date: 2002-11-28 03:45
I remmember my stepfather (born 1909) telling me most schools in his day used drum and bugle corps for football games, no woodwinds. He was a graduate of Hollywood High and had a bit more money than most schools, so they did have a concert band, but only for indoor stuff.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2002-11-28 14:23
Well, GBK has the early date-range,[1870's] so far. My clarinet-music start was in 1929, Sponsored by the Lansing, MI public schools when I was in the 5-6th grade, age 10. In AUG. 1982, in Silverton,CO [el. 9300 ft!], several cl'ists [and I] from nearby Durango were drafted to fill-in the newly formed "Great Western Rocky Mountain {Brass}Band", [derived from the Silverton Band, 6 pieces{gold-silver miners!!}as I recall], conductor [to this day] Paul Maybery, Minnesota, [Univ. or other schools?]. It has been, and is, an annual event, playing mid-1800's band music, my 1991 program has considerable early band history, but I havent [as yet] found public school relationships. It does speak of USA "brass bands" as early as 1830, and histories, "And The Band Played On" and Robert Hoe's "Essay ----" prob. all in the Lib. of Congress, perhaps elsewhere. I'll read more carefully looking for school-relationships. Fun, Don
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Author: Gary Van Cott
Date: 2002-11-30 17:51
My mother played clarinet in high school. She was born in 1915. She lived in a small town in Kansas. This would have been in the late 1920s. When she was in college her sister sold her metal clarinet (which she was fond of).
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