The Clarinet BBoard
Author: bob gardner
Date: 2002-11-28 03:21
we went to hear a young pianist give a solo performance at the local college. I was really impressed. She played for close to two hours and never looked at a piece of music. Now there was a young lady (on the wrong side of 50) that really knows her craft.
happy turkey day to each and every one of you.
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Author: Charlie
Date: 2002-11-28 09:19
Nice to know that there are others on the "wrong side of fifty" having a go.
I should like to thank everyone who was kind enough to give me their thoughts on my recent posting re: crossing the break. I have been trying out various suggestions and I am making some progress. I have decided that lots and lots of scale work is one answer. Also, a vast overall improvement occurred when I swapped my B45 mouthpiece for a 5RV. Thanks again.
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2002-11-28 12:40
Ya gotsta blow, laddie!
To paraphrase the late, great Anthony G..."BTSOOI"!
(Blow the s**t ouf of it!)
Some really tremendous clarinets have 'sticky' spots, those are the BEST notes, they like to stay in the horn!
Hey BG -
When you cross THAT break, you start to pick up speed.
I think it's because of all the stuff I can't find anymore...
it no longer slows me down.
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Author: bob gardner
Date: 2002-11-28 14:06
Larry the chair didn't make any sounds,but her stool had knobs on the side. Maybe that kept her in tune.
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Author: ron b
Date: 2002-11-28 19:29
Didn't someone explain that to you, Bob? Those knobs are for crowd management. They're known in the trade as RADESEL knobs and each has a very definite purpose. One dims the house lights, a signal for the audience to settle down. The other larger one is for when a crowd fails to comply. That's the "Remote AuDience Ejection SEat Lever". You don't even want to imagine on what happens when they're activated simultaneously! :|
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Author: William
Date: 2002-11-29 14:38
""Remote AuDience Ejection SEat Lever"
I often wondered what the third pedal on those Steinways was there for!!! :>]
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