The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ann
Date: 1999-08-19 01:30
What is the difference between a 2RV and a B45 Vandoren mouthpiece. Which one has better tone or is preferred?
Is a M8 better than a Vandoren mouthpiece or are they pretty similar?
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Author: Don
Date: 1999-08-19 03:28
Ann: I'm sure your thinking of the Vandoren 5RV and the
B45. The 5RV has a tip opening (distance between tip of
reed and tip of mp) of about .040" (forty thousanths)
while the B45 tip opening is .045". This difference
gives the 5RV a better scale and control in the altissimo
range while the B45 with a larger opening gives a slightly
fuller tone with the tradeoff being some loss of scale
(pitch) and less control in the clarion/altissimo. Both
mp have a rather long facing (distance from tip to point
where mp and reed begin to separate) Although the B45
will give a bit more volume, I think you would like either
of them. The M8 is a very close tipped Vandoren mp de-
signed for the R13. Actually, both the 5RV and B45 are
available for the R13 (5RV13 and B4513) if you happen to
play the R13. Best bet is find a dealer who will let
you try all three. Woodwind & Brasswind, Int. Music and
other mailorder house will let you try up to 3 at a time.
Call them at their 800 for details. Believe me, it is
worth the effort to try several. Details of above
facing and tip opening is usually found in dealers cata-
logs, more precisely than given here. Good luck.
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Author: Dee
Date: 1999-08-19 03:54
Don has pretty well described the differences. However there did indeed used to be a 2RV. It was the predecessor of the 5RV and as such should be quite similar in characteristics.
Basically both are good mouthpieces. Neither is "better" than the other. They are designed for different characteristics. In addition to Don's comments, I find that I can get more volume out of the B45. So I use it for outdoor concerts. I can get a good classical tone out of either on but as Don noted, it takes more control on the part of the player when using the B45. So for more classically oriented concert band events, I use the 5RV.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 1999-08-19 04:01
Vandoren used to make and sell 2RV.Now they do not.I had one.Very small tip opening(smaller than 5RV).Gustav Langenus writes in the book-III of his exercise series that these long facing mouthpieces have peculiar characteristics of intonation. As the general tendency of clarinets playing in pp makes the sound sharp.Long facing mouthpieces have stronger tendency of this phenomena.But I liked it. Its sounds have more focus than B45.If you like long facing ones,B40 is another choice.This is designed by Guy Deprus(not sure of spelling) of ex-proffessor of Paris Conservatoir.
If you find 2RV,it is an old gem when Vanroren craftmanship was better than today I believe.
As present Vandoren mouthpieces' tables are not perfectly flat,I sand them.with sandpaper patched on glass.
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Author: col
Date: 1999-08-19 09:40
I just recently got s 5RV mouthpiece and must say that they deffinately require much more air support and harder reeds around 3 and a half to 4 to go a really good sound, but the sound is so much better compared to a B45. for me anyway.
Another good one to try is the 5RV lyre, in middle between the B45. and the 5RV
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Author: John Scorgie
Date: 1999-08-20 20:04
Ann, I hope this helps with the 2RV/5RV confusion. Many years ago, the mouthpiece sold by Vandoren in the US as the 2RV was the same facing as the mouthpiece sold by Vandoren for the French domestic market as the 5RV. If your 2RV is an old one made for the American market, its facing will be about like the modern 5RV. The 2RV which Hiroshi refers to (closer facing than the 5RV) is no doubt the "French" (or Japanese?) 2RV. In response to the changing demands of the market, Vandoren later developed several facings with tip openings wider than the 5RV, such as the popular B45.
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