The Clarinet BBoard
Author: William Fuller
Date: 1999-08-18 16:56
Another question--what do the other members of the CSO use for mps? I like the sound of your section.
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Author: Greg Smith
Date: 1999-08-18 18:08
The mouthpieces used in the CSO clarinet section besides my own (surprise!) are the Gennusa, M13, and Hawkins. The clarinets used in the section besides my Buffet R13 are LeBlanc Opus and Yamaha. Proves once again that everyone is better off playing what THEY feel most comfortable on! For instance there are two that play V12 3.5 strength reeds and and two of us playing the Rico Grand Concert. Ligatures: Vandoren, Bonade inverted and B.G. Not to mention that we all have different sound concepts individually - but as a section, we make it work somehow.
Greg Smith -
William Fuller wrote:
Another question--what do the other members of the CSO use for mps? I like the sound of your section.
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Author: Fan
Date: 1999-08-19 19:37
Mr. Smith:
would you mind tell us exactly who use which set up,
for example, who use the Vandoren ligature, which model is
it? if it is the optimum, which plate ?
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Author: Doug
Date: 1999-08-19 23:34
And does this mean that Combs doesn't play the Combs anymore? Come on..tell all!
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Author: Greg Smith
Date: 1999-08-20 00:17
Doug wrote:
And does this mean that Combs doesn't play the Combs anymore? Come on..tell all!
Without commenting specifically on your question, I responded appropos to Bill's question (in the manner to which it was originally posed).
Greg Smith
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