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 Is there any cl tutorials with CD?
Author: Hiroshi 
Date:   1999-08-17 02:11

Recently I obtained Aruturo Sandoval's trumpet tutorials book-1 published by Hal-Leonard co. It consists of three books,beginning,intermediate,and advanced and each includes a CD in which Sandoval himself shows how to practice what he writes in the book.I really thought this is the very right thing to do in this time of audio development. (I am relieved to find even Sandoval's lowest F sounds like a cow.) It is a dream of novices to have an individual teaching from such a famous artist,but it is not realistic.This trial is one very good solution.

I wondered whether any clarinet tutorial like this exists.
Does anyone know any?

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 Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Hiroshi 1999-08-17 02:11 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Mark Charette 1999-08-17 02:30 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Merry 1999-08-17 03:54 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Bart 1999-08-17 06:59 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Mark Charette 1999-08-17 12:05 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Gary Van Cott 1999-08-17 15:11 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Daniel 1999-08-17 21:46 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Bart 1999-08-18 07:21 
 RE: Is there any cl tutorials with CD?  new
Bart 1999-08-18 16:31 

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