The Clarinet BBoard
Author: janlynn
Date: 2002-08-06 13:17
the "instrument petting zoo" was on sunday and went great! i was all nervous for nothing. it was fun and i think the children enjoyed it. You should had seen the 4 yr old boy whose face just lit up when he got a noice out of the mouthpiece and barrel! i got to work with the kids one on one and even taught some notes (C,D,E,F,G). the sound didnt matter. they were just thrilled that they could tell they were making different sounds. anyway - i am just really excited about it.
ive been teaching clarinet to my 10 yr old neice for over 2 years now and have been wanting to work with more kids. this experience just makes me want to do it even more!
thanks for listening! JL
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Author: Brenda
Date: 2002-08-06 13:42
Thanks for the feedback. Because of your post, there were so many good suggestions that I plan to use for our own "instrument zoo" for the upcoming Family Concert. We'll have more than just a clarinet, hopefully an oboe, trumpet and flute as well. The ideas posted by all of you have will be quite useful.
Children are just great to work with if you're even half prepared and then wing the rest!
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Author: janlynn
Date: 2002-08-06 13:50
oh yes, we had a bunch of instruments too! theres were different rooms (or zoos) thruout the conservatory, woodwinds in one rooom, brass in another etc .. harp, marimbas, a whole bunch of instruments to see and try and every 30 minutes there was a mini recital where the teacher played their instrument. i even got in on the fun and tried the flute and sax. would have loved to try the harp tho!
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Author: ron b
Date: 2002-08-06 15:53
...'all nervous for nothing' Ahhh, brings many memories to mind - some recent, some long past. But, aren't kids just too marvelous for words?
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Author: Tim
Date: 2002-08-06 16:11
It sounds like this instrument petting zoo is the same one my wife was at this past weekend. She was doing the saxophone. Correct me if I'm wrong. If this was the same one, then it sounds like it went well. I hear that the clarinet was the star of the show. Everyone wanted to try it.
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Author: janlynn
Date: 2002-08-06 16:15
yep - thats the one tim. wished you had been there too! and btw- your wife showed me how to play the sax. i think i lit up as much as the kids when i could play it and i didnt think i could. lol
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Author: ken
Date: 2002-08-06 18:56
Genuinely heartwarming! Some of the most memorable and gratifying times I had in my playing career was traveling to elementary/middle schools giving "show and tells" and quintet performances. Planting the seed and love of music in a child and watching them light up is about as good as it gets. <:-D
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Author: Tim
Date: 2002-08-06 20:00
Saxophone is a breeze if you already know how to play the clarinet. You should pick it up. I also play saxophone and euphonium. After you've learned one instrument, it takes a lot less effort to become proficient at another. Learning how to read music and knowing how to play different styles of music is the majority of the work. I guess the instrument petting zoo was a success for more than just the kids.
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Author: David Pegel
Date: 2002-08-06 22:03
The instrument petting zoo I worked at once was the first time I played a French Horn... It's now one of my favorites (besides clarinet, of course!)
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Author: David
Date: 2002-08-07 14:35
Terrific. I'm glad it went so well.
I remember doing something like that for a friend who was a primary (elementary) school teacher.
Very corny, but demoing the clarinet, then alto sax, then tenor sax then starting the recorder family with a sopranino produced from the bell of the tenor sax went down a storm...
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Author: GBK
Date: 2002-08-07 17:14
To ken (from Virginia Beach):
Thanks for the cd's you sent to me. However, I misplaced you email address.
Write me - so I can thank you more directly...GBK
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