The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Laura
Date: 2002-07-28 17:37
Every once in a while my clarinet (a plastic Yamaha) has been doing a type of buzzing, like something is vibrating. it happens once or twice each time that i practice. My teacher looked at it, cleaned out pads, and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Neither could another teacher I had at music camp. Any ideas?
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Author: Jas
Date: 2002-07-28 18:12
Could be a loose post, rod or screw pin. Also, could be a cracked skin on a pad. Couldn't tell ya without lookin' at it. I suggest you take it to a tech. Doesn't seem to me like the problem would be too costly to fix, though. Good luck, Laura.
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Author: musicgirl
Date: 2002-07-28 18:15
in simple terms- maybe it's spit building up on your pads after you play for a while. the best thing to do for that is to find the key that lifts that pad and blow on it. if that doesn't work then you might need to swab out your clarinet. it could be a pad problem in general but since you said it happens once or twice when you play i'm not too sure about it.
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Author: Jas
Date: 2002-07-28 18:21
Add to the list of culprits: the silver tenon ring near the low see. Check to see that this, and ALL the rings around the tenon and bell aren't loose. If it's a vibrating sound (as opposed to a "gurgling" one)something is loose.
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Author: David L Morris
Date: 2002-07-28 23:41
hi Laura
Miggt check and see how much end play you have in the left hand c key(left hand pinky)
Good Luck
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2002-07-29 07:22
- Lack of oil in a pivot (especially left low levers).
- Lack of 'silencer skins' on these levers.
- A needle spring lightly touching against a part of a key where it shouldn't touch.
- Any loose screw.
- A part of a key or lever touching lightly against another. Check in the vicinity of where the F/C & E/B levers connect with their respective keys, when the keys are depressed as well as when they are not.
While you are creating the buzz, get somebody else to go carefully over the instrument, touching different parts in the vicinity of the noise. Whatever stops the buzz when it is touched - that is the culpret part.
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