The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ralph G
Date: 2002-07-25 04:21
Pardon my ignorance -- I've only played on Selmers.
After playing in the local municipal band for several summers, I finally gave in to a fellow clarinet player's urging and joined jim in the local Patriots Band. This is a VFW-type band that's made up of mostly ex-servicemen that plays at veterans' functions, certain funerals and what-not. They get some modest federal funding and hand-me-down government issue instruments.
Tonight the president of the band handed me a double case and told me to hang onto it for awhile. Inside was a nice Buffet clarinet. Couldn't find any model designations on it, but the wood is considerably thicker than on my little Signet 100, it has the extra left-hand Ab/Eb key, an adjustable thumbrest, and just overall feels like a quality horn. Below the Buffet logo on the top joint is a little smooth spot where maybe a sticker or decal might go. Serial number is in the 307000 range, making it a 1988 model. I was told it was listed on the books at $4,000. Until now the only Buffet I've ever played is a plastic B-12, so I plead ignorance on knowing for sure what it is.
So have I lucked out and been given a Stradivarius or what?
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Author: GBK
Date: 2002-07-25 05:08
Ralph G...
Stradivarius? No
Top of the line professional clarinet? Yes
From your description it sounds very much like a Prestige R-13.
Use it in good health and welcome to the Buffet "Mafia". (diz hates it when I say that)
(By the way: As one who is "sold" on Buffet clarinets, I was so tempted to comment on your opening line:
"...Pardon my ignorance -- I've only played on Selmers."
-but I'll refrain (for now)
Enjoy the experience...GBK
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Author: chuck
Date: 2002-07-25 06:17
I get the idea that the "G" stands for Guido . . . as in, "Big Guido wants you should have a good time wit da new clarinetto". Chuck
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2002-07-25 11:53
Congratulations on the spectacular gift.
Any horn that makes you wish to play more is a gem.
It's the practice that makes you a strong player.
Look under the Right Hand key cluster (the 4 paddle keys),
are there three relieved slots in the wood body?
Don't get too excited about retail pricing of clarinets, they tend to be discounted by half for actual purchases.
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2002-07-25 13:01
I've gotten familiar with the deep discounts lately -- been doing a lot of research on new horns. I've had the same Signet 100 since 1979 and have diddled around on various Selmers. I recently got back into playing after laying off for three years and am going at it with a vengeance. Now I'm dreaming of a new pro set. Sorry, Buffet Mafia, but the Selmer Signatures seem mighty tempting right now -- although this Buffet might persuade me to take the blood oath to This Thing Of Yours.
I'll check for the slots under the paddles when I get back home. Thanks for all the guidance!
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2002-07-25 15:51
Great tuning, decent dynamic control, heavy as a fence-post and 'dark' to the point of being dull.
If you can test drive one, great.
I wouldn't spend big bucks on one, they're alot of work to play.
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2002-07-25 16:10
A lot of work to play? How so? Really have to blow into it? I've read it needs a free-blowing mouthpiece -- guess that counts out my M13 Lyre.
I could use a dark-sounding horn -- I'm kinda on the bright side.
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2002-07-25 19:58
The Recital I tried out was tremendously resistant.
I prefer to use a reed with more 'spine' and a more close facing mouthpiece. It took months for me to find a comfortable pairing.
The Recital was lovely, but would have required refitting the mouthpiece and I don't care to work that hard.
I think you can get the deep, rich sound you want without struggling with a resistant instrument.
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Author: Fred
Date: 2002-07-25 21:36
I was thinking it might be a Festival rather than a Prestige. Either way, all the same comments count.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2002-07-25 23:09
A Festival will have a nameplate proclaiming it as such. The R13 is the only Buffet professional model with no nameplate whatsoever.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2002-07-25 23:14
diz wrote:
> Mark - do ever get any time to tootle?
Nope. I get time to tipple, though ;^)
(Not really - I'm neither a tippler nor a teetotaler)
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Author: Fred
Date: 2002-07-26 00:31
Mark, there was a reference to "a little smooth spot where maybe a sticker or decal might go". Ralph said it was below the Buffet emblem. Isn't that where the amall round Festival emblem is located?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2002-07-26 01:32
You're right, Fred. It could be a Festival, Vintage, RC, Prestige, or RC Prestige. Only a very knowledgeable shop will be able to tell for sure.
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2002-07-26 01:49
Festival, Vintage, Prestige... whichever it is, it's worth a lotta dough, yes? I mean, the pawnshop'll give me fifty bucks for it so I can go buy some crack, right?
It's in my lap right now, and, yes, there are three slots below the right hand cluster.
Now if I can talk the Patriots Band into getting a matching A...
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Author: Stéphane
Date: 2002-07-27 00:14
Correct me if I am wrong, but all R13/RC Prestige, Vintage and Festival should bear a nameplate claiming so, if it is not there, I doubt it is any of those 3 (again if I am not mistaken)
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Author: Fred
Date: 2002-07-27 03:03
Stephane, if I understood what Ralph was saying, it appears that the nameplate is no longer on the clarinet. He sees where it had been, but can only guess about what it was.
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2002-07-27 04:39
Yes, there's a little inlaid plastic spot on the upper joint where an eraser-sized badge or sticker might go. It's a nice horn -- I'm having a good time with it! The intonation seems better than I thought it would be; my tuner needle isn't all over the dial as badly as I expected.
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Author: Stéphane
Date: 2002-07-27 09:52
Sorry, I didn't read the original (and following) posting properly -shame on me!-. But, the main thing is that you enjoy playing it. One more thing that will make you differentiate a Prestige from a regular R13/RC are the metal rings around the 3 male tenons to further prevent from cracks, are there in place?
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