The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Heinz Bloch
Date: 2002-06-16 15:46
I have joined a local concert band and burrowed a clarinet after years of not playing. In the case was a Blayman mouthpiece which I tried with about a 31/2 Vandoren and I was quiite happy with the sound in spite of being out of shape!!! In Holland on Boehm I used to play Selmer C* but this Blayman fellow I never heard of. Now my freind is going to find me one to use and I like to know who is Herb Blayman? The mouthpiece was an E110 and played very nicely. does anyone out there share this experience with his mouthpieces? Is he still making them or not?
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Author: Al
Date: 2002-06-16 18:15
Heb Blayman was the principal clarinetist with the Metropolitan Opera for at least 20 years.
He is living in the southwest now. His mouthpieces are designated as H, E, R, and B.
The most closed is the H.
The most open is the B.
I own an E, R, and a B.
I would recommend either the E or the R.
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Author: nzdonald
Date: 2002-06-17 20:39
i remember Herb Blayman for those great clarinet stands he marketed- the really solid heavy ones.... great if you have a symphony job where the roadies move all the stands etc for you but not so good if you have to move it from place to place yourself (carrying all your own gear)..... but it feels so secure to put your clarinet down and feel that it's really, um, secure. i'm sure his mouthpieces are great and that he was a great artist, but that's how i remember Mr Blayman.
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Author: David Spiegelthal
Date: 2002-06-18 17:13
I still have my Blayman bass clarinet/bassoon stand -- the Cast Iron Beast. I used to lug it around on gigs, but having recently discovered the much more portable though equally secure K&M stand, the Blayman stays at home now.
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Author: John Moses
Date: 2002-06-18 18:11
Blayman mouthpieces are fine, and Herb was a terrific clarinetist at the Met for many years.
I believe a former student of his still has some Blayman blanks.
Try contacting him at and tell him you heard about the mouthpieces from John Moses.
Good luck,
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Author: Ed
Date: 2002-06-18 18:13
I haven't played the Blayman mouthpieces in recent years, but I recall them being pretty good. I think his tenure in the Met was more like 30+ years. Last I heard, his health was not great, but he was still alive. I believe that he moved somewhere down around the Carolinas to be closer to some family (a daughter?). Very nice man, unfortunately with a career like that, it is a shame he is not remembered more for his playing, rahter thatn clarinet products.
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Author: genekeyes ★2017
Date: 2021-10-27 00:51
I studied with Herb at the Manhattan School of Music. I also had the opportunity to do quite a bit of substitute work at the Met. We remained close friends until he passed away (I believe it was in 2007). His mpcs were marked with his initials according to the tip opening:
B= 120
I know that he occasionally faced some for individuals that wanted specific openings. He played on the R(115). He was a marvelous clarinetist and a wonderful person.
I have a few of the stock openings that he personally adjusted. If you are interested please contact me off line.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2021-10-27 02:26
good grief dave -you consider the kand n lightweight portable? its a tank of a stand. i bought a junk clarinet of ebay just for the bell and barrel and in its case was a blayman and a gold harrison lig! the blayman plays pretty good but is a little to close for me. will check it for herbs initials
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