The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Paul
Date: 2002-06-05 17:55
I'm a returning clarinet player after 25 years. Been practising for 10 months with private lessons. But, I'm out of shape. Will my lungs and indurance get stronger from just playing? Or will I have to start exercising more? It's obvious the exercising will help. But do I have too? Thanks! Paul Croshaw
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2002-06-05 18:40
You should excercize whether or not you play the clarinet. A good 15 or 20 min. aerobic excercize every day will keep the ticker in shape and your blood pressure down.
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Author: ron b
Date: 2002-06-05 18:45
If you've been physically inactive for twenty-five years you should probably consult your doctor, then follow recommendations. If you have no physical condition that you need be concerned about exercise will probably be beneficial, if for no other reason than to get you up and circulating. Do you have to? No. But, I promise, you'll feel a whole lot better and when you feel good you play good
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Author: GBK
Date: 2002-06-05 19:13
"These days most people get their only exercise by jumping to conclusions, flying off the handle, dodging responsibilities, bending the rules, running down everything, circulating rumors, passing the buck, stirring up trouble, shooting the bull, digging up dirt, slinging mud, throwing their weight around, beating the system, and pushing their luck." (Anonymous) ...GBK
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Author: Paul
Date: 2002-06-05 20:38
I want to define the question a bit. I'm not a complete slouch. And there's no question about the benefits of staying active. But did Louie Armstrong have to exercise to keep his lungs strong? Or does Pete Fountain? Can you play long and hard with out exercising? Thanks so much! Paul Croshaw
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Author: ron b
Date: 2002-06-05 21:53
Don't know about Louie's or Pete's, or other Well-known's, outside activities but I'd guess they had/have interests and did/do things besides music. Most people do.
You can probably play long and hard if you practice or play often enough to keep your chops in shape.
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Author: tom piercy
Date: 2002-06-05 23:51
I find that exercise, or lack of, has a definate effect on how I "feel" about how I am playing, especially in performances and long practice / rehearsal sessions. I find that if I have not been going to the gym or exercising (where I regularly do both aerobic and basic weight training) I feel like I'm getting more tired in a long concert, especially if standing. I don't think it has much effect on how I play, but it must on some level if it changes how I feel. If I feel stronger, I feel more confident about what I'm doing; I feel better about having more energy left over after each piece and feel like I have the ability to give more on the next piece.
The answer to your question - will you HAVE TO? Only you will be able to answer that from your own experience. Should you - yes. Will it help with as you said "lungs and endurance" - yes.
Tom Piercy
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Author: Jean
Date: 2002-06-06 03:47
I think I heard somewhere that Louis smoked pot that probably makes him a poor example. As per the exercise question, I find when I am swimming on a regular basis my lung capacity is incredible.
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Author: Mark Pinner
Date: 2002-06-06 11:56
Just walk, swim, ride a bike and get some fresh air and sunlight. It does wonders for your playing and general well being.
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Author: Bob
Date: 2002-06-06 17:25
The most significant benefit of exercise is that you die healthier.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2002-06-06 18:51
Also dying at a more advanced age. Of course one could follow the policy "live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse".
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Author: David Pegel
Date: 2002-06-06 19:46
I don't care what the corpse looks like; I don't get to see it!
I don't care as long as I'm in sound mind and body when I kick, at least sound enough to play instruments and enjoy life, that is.
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Author: David Pegel
Date: 2002-06-06 19:46
As for exercise, we could all do with a few push-ups a day. My arms hurt just thinking about it...
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2002-06-06 20:10
Robert Small wrote:
> Also dying at a more advanced age.
Like everything, you've got to look at the ROI.
Me, I'll probably take up smoking again when I'm 92.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2002-06-06 22:22
"ROI" is a new one on me. What is that? Some kind of acronym?
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2002-06-07 02:31
I would have quessed Repulsive Old Idiot.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2002-06-07 18:35
Please read the top question of the following Infrequently Asked Questions index on The Economist magazine.
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Author: Poormiddleschoolmusicfreak
Date: 2002-06-09 21:53
AHH Feels like 11th period, B days, all over again.......Nothing like a nice lecture about exercising......Yes Ms. Drill Sargent (sp?) I'll do another 300 more push ups-What ever you say I'll do. Gym class should be classified as a primative torture meathod for the freaks and geeks of the schools..Thinking about this brings me great pleasure.
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