The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Josh
Date: 2002-05-13 20:15
Any significant difference between the normal B40 and the 2 tones B40? The prices seem to differ quite alot....are we paying just for extra colours on the mpc?
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Author: David Kinder
Date: 2002-05-14 03:06
The swirl makes your clarinet look more like a bowling ball than a clarinet.
Vandoren is trying to target the high school market with their "cool" mouthpieces.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2002-05-14 12:24
I thought 2 tones would make it easier to play multiphonics.....
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2002-05-14 15:42
No, because like most Vandoren mouthpieces you can only get two tones (neither particularly good, IMHO) out of it. (It does have more color than most Vandoren mouthpieces, however.) ;^)
Best regards,
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2002-05-14 16:19
Before my distributer took a job as band director at Dripping Springs High School near Austin I was able to purchase batches of these mouthpieces. I found the two toned to have a bit brighter sound than the regular black ones. Actually didn't like them very much. But they are prettier than the black ones and yes, high school kids love them.
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Author: David Dow
Date: 2002-05-21 11:15
The 2 tone mouthpieces by Vandoren are made from black and red vulcanized rubber in an effort to create a different sound color from the normal black ebonite...they are supposed to be a little more on the dark side in terms of color of tone .... I have tried them and notice only minor differences....I wonder if this is one of those products that may end up discontinued ... I know no one who uses these mouthpieces...
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2002-05-21 12:36
I honestlky think that the 2-tones are there just to add "color", not for any musical reason!
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