The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-07-17 00:07
Heya fellow Sneezers..
I've been having some trouble finding recordings of clarinet repertoire on records. There's plenty of CD's i know. But vinyl is so much cheaper on average, and i personally prefer the sound over CD. I have probably 3 times as many records of flute music than i do clarinet.
Anyone have any they'd wanna sell? Or know someplace i can get some (preferably close to Houston. Or if you have old vinyl recordings, would you be willing to copy them onto MiniDisc (if you have a MD recorder) and send them to me?
(Yes Mark, i know it's unlawful to copy something that's under copyright laws and everything... but we already know where either of us stands on the issue.)
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-07-17 00:25
Daniel wrote:
Or if you have old vinyl recordings, would you be willing to copy them onto MiniDisc (if you have a MD recorder) and send them to me?
(Yes Mark, i know it's unlawful to copy something that's under copyright laws and everything... but we already know where either of us stands on the issue.)
Daniel, please don't use the BBoard for this kind of asking, OK, especially since you know my feelings about it.
Now, I personally go to Salvation Army & Goodwill stores and check out their LPs. At a flea market last weekend I bought the Louis Armstrong 1990 double album collection (with some of his recordings from the 1930s), Pete Fountain & The All Star Dixeielanders (1962 reissue), Benny Goodman "Sing Sing Sing", and Jimmie McPartland "Dixieland". $4.00 for all, and in great shape.
My son picked up 350(!) LPs in mostly great shape from a public radio station that was replacing the LPs with CDs.
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Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-07-18 01:22
I already go to Half Price Books and Salvation Army in every city i visit and almost every weekend here in Houston (there's about 5 HPB's and 3-4 SA's, so i switch of ever couple weeks). I fin plenty of jazz and symphonic stuff.... tons of flute stuff.. but very little clarinet and sax classical repertoire.
I did hit a good find a couple weeks ago at the HPB 4th of July Sale where i got a 3 record album of David Glazer doing all the Brahms clarinet works for about $1 or so.
I also collect the old Command records from the '59-'63 era when stereo was still new and was being very exploited... those old records are fun, and i still haven't found out how many there are of them, i've got atleast 11 and keep finding others i didn't know about...
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