The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Karel Vahala
Date: 1999-07-14 10:17
Does anyone have experience with Amiti instruments? they seem rather inexpensive for wooden clarinets with a spare barrell and undercut holes. I was lost by the fact they make them with 17, 18, 19, and 20 keys. Why?
Regards, Karel.
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Author: paul
Date: 1999-07-14 15:14
The typical Standard Boehm system clarinet has a set of 17 keys and six rings. I have a Standard Boehm system clarinet with 18 keys and six rings, with the additional key being the left hand Ab/Eb key. This key comes in handy for lots of runs, but it must be learned well like anything else. For instance, there is a downside to the left hand Ab/Eb key. I cannot finger clarion Eb and then expect my left pinky finger to jump to clarion Ab in time. Instead, I have to use the right hand fingering for Eb and alternate to the left hand for Ab. I would suspect that the 19 and 20 key clarinets allow for the "forked clarion Bb", a better fingering combination for clarion Ab to Bb, and a few other nice tricks. The point here is that if you have the extra keys, that's great. If you get a horn with the extra keys, take the time to learn how to properly use these extra keys and to find out where the keys will get you in trouble.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 1999-07-14 19:45
If the horn has 18 keys the 18th would be the left hand Eb/Ab key described above. (I have this key on my LeBlanc LL and find it very useful though it took a while to get used to.) The 19th key would be a G#/C# trill key. Only horns with an articulated G#/C# mechanism have this key. The 20th key would be a low Eb. If the instrument is also equipped with a 7th ring for a forked Bb/Eb this would make it a so called "full Boehm" model. Most of the major manufacturers offer these options.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 1999-07-14 22:52
Well said, Robert, I have two "full Boehms" an old Penzel-Mueller, from my teacher in 1935!! and a slightly newer Selmer and a "half-full" Boehm. Yes, it takes some getting-used-to, but if you are fighting multi-sharp-flat music, the extra keys do come in handy. Also the low Eb is needed if you are transposing [on sight] A cl music and run into a low E! Its also a reasonably good mid-staff Bb!. The art. C#/G# makes possible the F#-G# trill,the "fork" Eb/Bb ring is useful in flats and the alt. Ab/Eb helps on cross fingering [if you dont "plan ahead"]. Each one will cost more and does add extra key weight and adjustment problems. As in all of life, Decisions x 3 !! Don
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Author: STuart
Date: 1999-07-14 23:43
How many horns do you got??
ANYTIME you need a house/instrument sitter dial 1-800-stuart!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 1999-07-15 15:21
Thanx, Stu, yes, I have several, and also have the old-folks "disease" of doing a lot of talking. I've been somewhat familiar with LeBlanc and Selmer for quite a few years, but not Buffet, am trying to learn more here via reading ads and Lee Gibson's ICS "Claranalysis" quarterly articles which are very good! I'll keep you in mind!!! Don
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