The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Mark Weinstein
Date: 1999-07-13 15:14
I just acquired a Selmer P Series Clarinet serail number P9711.
In doing some checking I know that the Q Series was known as the Centered Tone. Whcih had a slightly larger bore and is a lovely instrument.
What have I got it here ? What are the chacteristics ? Your thoughts please, tell it like it is!
Thanks in advance.
Mark Weinstein
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 1999-07-13 18:09
I have Selmer P 2226, 1952, believe it is a CT, not so designated, was told it was purch. in FR and imported with an alto sax [prior to the MK 6]. To me its a fine, big toned horn, well in tune; had a bell crack "trenched and filled", now OK, had to sandpaper down two tenons to prevent wood-to-wood fit! Have played a CT [designated by stencilled script] of 1953 vintage in a store and its the same, so in all prob. yours is. Good cl for both classics and jazz. Don
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Author: Mark Weinstein
Date: 1999-07-13 20:02
YUP, I just verified the same. The instrument does say "Centered Tone" in that "scripty" kind of way.
YES, I think you hit the nail SQUARELY on its head. Thanks for your FAST response to my query.
Mark Weinstein
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