The Clarinet BBoard
Author: alleycat
Date: 1999-07-08 02:04
I'm having a real tough time finding a source of overhaul kits (i need a complete set of pads); anyone know a reputable on-line source of these? Thanks.
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Author: Dee
Date: 1999-07-08 02:19
Feree's Tools sells repair supplies. The retail section on sneezy references their web page. However, you cannot order on line. You will need to get their catalog and either mail, fax, or call in your order.
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Author: mike
Date: 1999-07-08 12:12
you may want to try woodwind and brasswind....they have repairkits for just about everything....(i think a pad set for a Bb is pretty reasonable...)
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Author: Dave Spiegelthal
Date: 1999-07-08 13:45
As Dee said, the best source is Ferree's Tools, however, you can also get them from Frederic Weiner in New York ( for somewhere around $8.00 for a clarinet pad set.
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Author: Ray Swing
Date: 1999-07-09 15:11
As others have replied, Ferree's Tools, Inc. is the best source of pads for Clarinets and Saxes I have found. You can contact them at (616) 965-0511. Ask for their all emcompassing catalog. If you intend to do a complete pad replacement on a good quality clarinet, insure you get the proper pad sizes for your specific clarinet. Also, be sure you understand how to properly install them to prevent leaks and how to properly test for minute leaks which can raise havoc with your playing. If you encounter leaks, you should also know how to correct after installation. Finally, If you do have a fine clarinet and you are a novice when it comes to repair, I would advise you get a good repair person to do the job.
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Author: Bonnie
Date: 1999-07-09 21:43
Ferree's toll-free number is 1-800-253-2261.
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