The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bill H.
Date: 1999-07-02 21:53
After years of avoiding it, I finally returned to playing the clarinet as a life-centering activity. I had my Selmer Soloist tuned up -- entirely refurbished -- and it worked for me quite well. But there are small problems with the instrument that I am only tolerating. So, now I am in the market for a new matched set (Bb - A). Most of the chat I have read discusses Selmer Series 10. My local dealer favors the new Yamaha (Grand Rapids, Michigan I understand, not Tokyo) Custom series.
Has anyone tried them both?
How did they compare?
If you have recently bought one or the other new, what did you pay?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-07-02 21:56
The CS/SE/CSV/SEV are made and assembled in Japan, not Grand Rapids. The other models are made in Japan but assembled in Grand Rapids (I had a personal tour of the Grand rapids facility fairly recently).
The 4 models I mention are fine models, definitely worth your while in checking.
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Author: Dee
Date: 1999-07-03 00:24
An acquaintance of mine has bought a pair of Leblanc Concertos that he seems pleased with. So you might check them out to. He has even offered to let me try them out but it has been reasonable to get together in the same place at the same time!
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Author: paul
Date: 1999-07-06 17:50
What did your matched set of Festivals cost you a few years ago?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-07-06 18:40
paul wrote:
What did your matched set of Festivals cost you a few years ago?
Not mine :^)
About 4 grand.
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