The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Melanie
Date: 1999-07-05 03:50
I recently damaged my right middle finger in a game of volleyball where I caught the wrong end of the ball. Turns out I have a bone chip floating around. I saw it in the xrays, but I don't know where it is. It's been 2 weeks since the injury, and the knuckle is still swollen. Yes, I'm seeing an orthopedist about it. I've also been in a splint for the 2 week period.
Has anyone out there suffered a similar injury? How did you deal with it? Will it affect my playing ability? It's quite difficult to bend that finger! Words of advice? Encouragement? Anything?
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Author: Ginny
Date: 1999-07-05 22:56
Many years ago I broke my left index finger, and had to be in a splint for about a month. I have had no problems long term with it.
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Author: Don Poulsen
Date: 1999-07-09 22:10
Follow your orthopedist's instructions.
My daughter had a similar injury last year. Her finger was splinted for several weeks. Afterwards, she exercised it as instructed and it works normally.
Several years ago I jammed my little finger playing volleyball. It was the same type of injury, but I didn't realize that I should see a doctor. It healed, but because it was never splinted I cannot completely straighten it. However, it does not affect how well I can bend my finger so my playing has not been affected.
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