The Clarinet BBoard
Author: STuart
Date: 1999-07-01 16:11
I have a question that has nothing to do with me as I would never partake in the heathenistic indulgence of such things:
but what happens when you smoke and play right after that? Does it corrode the pads the same way fruit juice or cheesey poofs do? What about beer or green tea or ginsing tea?
A friend of mine does this and wanted me to find out for him. Thanks.
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Author: Dee
Date: 1999-07-01 16:21
Eventually the pads will have a permanent cigarette odor. Even the instrument and mouthpiece can absorb this odor. I purchased an old hard rubber, Albert system clarinet. If I use the original mouthpiece, I can taste the cigarette smoke immediately. If I leave a reed on it, the reed starts to absorb that taste from the mouthpiece. If I use a non-contaminated mouthpiece, I still taste the cigarettes but not right away. It seems to come out of the pads and body of the instrument and work its way back up to me as I inhale.
When I get around to it, I will totally repad and recork the horn. While I have it dismantled, I will try soaking the instrument in some type of disinfectant, deoderizer (have to do some research on what to use though).
Being a non-smoker, this taste was immediately obvious to me as soon as I first played the instrument.
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Author: ron
Date: 1999-07-01 18:45
Hi, Stuart -
Smoking while playing an instrument will leave some residue, in the instrument, on the pads of a reed instrument, in your lungs and those around you. Not a pleasant thought. The tar will build up and, when it gets on the pads, will become sticky. This will eventually cause their action to become sluggish and possibly make an annoying popping noise.To overcome this condition you'll need to clean each pad individually and frequently and that's a tedious process. The stain won't come out. Best remedy for the pads and horn is to refrain from smoking while playing -- preventive maintenance. Best remedy for your lungs is to consult a health care provider.
As Dee has already mentioned, the odor will prevail even after a horn is thoroughly cleaned. She's planning to completely repad a horn because of the previous owner's indiscretion. Mouthpieces are particularly stubborn. There are cleaning solutions that will do the job but usually need to be made up in larger quantities than are convenient for home use. Most repair shops have a gallon or so on hand for the purpose. So, whether to smoke or not smoke while playing a wind instrument, the choice is an individual one -- unless the area where you're playing is designated by local ordinance.
I smoke too, though I know I'm not supposed to. But not around other people or when playing.
Ron B
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Author: Lelia
Date: 1999-07-06 18:09
I buy my wind instruments mostly at flea markets, so they come to me in "as is" condition. *Very* as is. Cheese poof residue and all. Eeeeuuuwwww. My childhood band teacher made me a great believer in brushing teeth before playing.
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Author: paul
Date: 1999-07-09 22:12
Keeping in mind your post, Lelia, do the horns you get a flea markets come with lots of "extra features" that most of us would find extremely disgusting? If so, could you outline your disinfectant, refurbishment regimen for us?
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