The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ClarinetQween
Date: 1999-06-30 18:01
I am going to join/audition for our county's youth symphony orchestra in the fall and I was wondering if it is necessary if I purchase an "A" Clarinet for an orchestra setting. I have heard that it is better if you have one for an orchestral setting I just wanted to know if it is a necessity or not.
Thank you all in advance!
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Author: Al
Date: 1999-06-30 18:34
If you're going to play with an orchestra, it's almost imperative that you possess a clarinet in A. You won't want to be transposing all of those A parts at sight. Besides, why try to kill youself trying? Better to practice up on transposing those parts written for clarinet in C. They're likely to be less technically challenging than those in A because they'll most likely be dealing with simpler, earlier music. Get an A , practice transposing parts written in C.
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Author: 'nifer
Date: 1999-06-30 18:42
Well.. before you purchase one you should find out the the orchestra has ones for use so you can try one and use it without the expense of purchasing one, but if money is no object by all means go ahead and get one! ;-)
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Author: WindDances
Date: 1999-06-30 20:30
why not. if you plan on being an orchestral performer, you are going to need one anyway. you might as well get one as soon as you seems slightly different than a Bb clarinet, but as my teacher says,"it is a totally different monster!" so...extra practice is always a good idea. oh, and transposing to c should not too big a deal. unless you are playing berlioz's symphonie fantastique. learn that part and memorize it!!!
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Author: Rich C
Date: 1999-07-01 03:56
I would definately check to see if they have a loner first, since they are probably pretty expensive. IF you are goingto be playing with an orchestra for awhile, I would definately consider it....when I played for my High School's Orchestra, and I had to transpose a 6 page song from A to B flat, well, not only was it time consuing, but that was a MONSTER to play on B flat...
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Author: Arnold the basset hornist
Date: 1999-07-01 05:44
If your're going to search an A clarinet it would be a great help in playing if you can exchange your mouthpiece and barrel between A and Bb instrument.
Don't forget, some parts for C clarinet are more easy to play with an A clarinet than with a Bb clarinet - try 'transposing with a ruler' (copy it, draw a new staff line below the staff and clear the top staff line with white ink, finally correct the alternation signes)
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 1999-07-01 16:38
My experience, necessary for orch - IF the music demands it. I have an old Kohlert, quite good enough for me, and I occasionally loan [or rent] it to trustworthys. Have found only Mendelsohn's Eligah written for all 3,happily I had an old Conn C. Wish I had had it while struggling playing 2nd on the Moldy-dough [Smetana]. Trill-keys , UGH! Would suggest trying to rent or loan as needed, you might get a better one than by buying! Don
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Author: Contragirl
Date: 1999-07-02 00:50
First of all, check to see if you need one. And if you do, rent to own is always a good solution.
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Author: paul
Date: 1999-07-07 16:32
You have a Festival in Bb. They make the same in A. The price is about the same, too.
If you want a matched set, be prepared to pay the cost.
Ask Mark Charette about a matched set of Buffet Festivals in both A and Bb.
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Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-07-07 18:10
The only problem with renting to own is that you usually end up paying alot more for the horn than the advertised price due to interest.
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Author: Sheryl
Date: 1999-07-09 02:16
Not if you have the time to re-write A music in Bb... some only come in A for orchestra. Good luck!
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