The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Donn
Date: 2002-02-02 21:55
Anyone reface crystal mpcs? Have a new one that is very stuffy regardless of reed used. Sent email to one refacer for advice, but he didn't reply. Any ideas?
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Author: clarinator
Date: 2002-02-03 16:02
Chgeck the sponsor links for Dave Spiegethal (sp)...never had him do any work for me but hear he's very good....and he says he can reface crystals...good luck
The Clarinator
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2002-02-03 18:09
I should think that many of the mouthpiece makers would, on request, reface a prresently playable mp [not a blank] to your desirered facing. In response to a request re: refacing methods and equipment, from Manfredo Cavallini of Italy, I found a bit of info and sent it to him with an older O'Brien Bb sop. glass mp, which he refaced for me to a 5RV Lyre, which plays very well [with some resistance]. I "won" an EBAY GG [Pomarico?] #1 glass , bass cl, and found it quite satisfactory, but am still considering having Manfredo or Dave S reface it, to possibly a bit more open. I have several sop Bb crystals, among them, the Selmer Clarion is my preferred facing. Much luck, Don
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Author: Donn
Date: 2002-02-03 22:00
Thanks for info. How can I reach Mr. Spiegelthal?
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Author: Joseph O'Kelly
Date: 2002-02-03 23:14
How much does it usually cost to get a mouthpiece refaced? I have a Buffet/ Chedville Eb mouthpiece that would make an excellent candidate. These mps were chedvelle stencills that were unaltered in any way (unlike the Buffet Bb mps)
I would like to use this mp on a Eb clarinet I just purchased (Yah!!! )
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Author: Bob
Date: 2002-02-03 23:24
What material..exactly...are crystal mouthpieces made from?
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Author: Joe O'Kelly
Date: 2002-02-03 23:38
Oh, I didn't have to spent $1700 on this mouthpiece either. lol
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Author: John Scorgie
Date: 2002-02-04 20:01
Donn --
The reason many mpce makers/refacers decline to work on crystals is that it is difficult and sometimes impossible to make controlled changes to the baffle, chamber and bore.
However, refacing a crystal (reworking the table and rails) is straightforward and is done the same way as on a plastic or rubber mpce -- with silicon carbide ("wet or dry") paper on a flat piece of glass.
Dave S. (and others) can do a quality refacing job on a crystal at a reasonable price.
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