The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Sandee
Date: 2001-12-25 12:08
I, like so many of us, have been having wrist and hand pain. A search of the Klarinet Archive turned up a reference to something called [I think] the "Weight Lifter". Has anyone heard of or seen this item?
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Author: Pam
Date: 2001-12-25 14:18
I've heard of a neck strap to help support the clarinet, much like the alto or bass clarinet or saxes use.
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Author: clarinet713
Date: 2001-12-25 16:28
I have heard of this thing and have used it. It sits on the ground and you rest your bell in this little plate thing they have on it. All the weight is then on the stand and not your hand. I found that playing with this was very annoying, it limits you in your movement, and it didn't help me with my wrist pain (but then again, mine is tied to many other things such as my posture). One of my professors reccommended it to me, praising the thing every time I saw him. He told me of elementary schools where all the clarinet players start off using this device so they don't ruin their hands...I would give it a try though, the thing I have found with wrist problems and the clarinet is that you need to find the thing that works for YOU. So good luck searching! Merry Christmas!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-12-25 16:50
I believe the Phred or whatever it is attaches tou your waist via a belt, not to a stand.
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Author: Deb
Date: 2001-12-25 22:47
I use a strap that goes around my neck and fastens with velcro. It then attaches to the thumb support of the clarinet with a slit in its leather end. It helps take the weight off your wrist. That is why I use it, because I had wrist surgery. It really helps. I believe it is made by Deg. It is not expensive---somewhere around $10 to $12. I purchased it at my usual music store. I am actually seeing more people with these, due to abundant wrist problems. Good luck!
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Author: clarinet713
Date: 2001-12-26 00:09
The thing that I was talking about is actually called "The Weight Lifter", I have not used the Phred, though would be interested in hearing what kind of results people have gotten from it...
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Author: Jim E.
Date: 2001-12-26 04:47
I saw an oboist in the Rowan U. wind ensemble use such a device on stage during a concert. It rested on the floor, came up between her knees and seemed to contact the instrument in the region of the thumbrest. (The oboe is somewhat similar to clarinet in size, weight, and balance.) When she wasn't playing she lifted the horn off the support and placed it accross her legs as we all do, the stand just sort of flopped around. It looked cumbersome, but... If it gets you through...
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2001-12-26 04:48
By searching 'thumb rest' you may find solutions to your right hand pain for free.
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Author: Jim
Date: 2001-12-26 11:13
I have used the Weight Lifter especially during practice sessions. Granted it is cumberson and for some it could change the angle of mouthpiece entry. I, for one, found it to be a great aide in supporting the horn. Find one in a music store or order on approval and put it to use. At present I am back to a neckstrap that is continually slipping, and so is my patience. This pain can lead to future problems that can be quite serious.
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Author: Sandra F. H.
Date: 2001-12-26 14:26
As for myself, I would get a massage! I practice Reiki, aromatherapy and foot reflexology, and what I've learned is that elbow and wrist pain really start in the shoulder and spine. I had this problem (elbow, wrist, and thumb pain) about 12 years ago when I was doing alot of performing, and I couldn't take the time to rest. I used Helichrysum italicum essential oil on my wrists and began using the double lip embouchure which helped with endurance, and I took yoga and ballet to help stretch my body from the same positions of practicing and playing. Now I have no problem.
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Author: clarinet713
Date: 2001-12-26 14:50
I have been doing massage therapy as well and it has helped A LOT
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