The Clarinet BBoard
Author: anna
Date: 2001-12-10 23:52
anyone know of any good ones?
besides the Greater Boston Youth Symphony orchestra. There's know way i'd get in. According to them, they're the best youth orchestra in the country (but radio stations like NPR and other critics say that they're just top 5)
are there some less competitive orchestras like GBYSO?
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Author: William
Date: 2001-12-11 00:06
Our own Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra, founded by Marvin Rabin, who I believe was the same person who founded the Boston youth orchestras.
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Author: James
Date: 2001-12-11 01:12
OF course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The chicago youth symphony orchestra easily rivals the boston youth symphony orchestra. We have also been called the best in the country many many times as well. We did an exchange program last year with the GBYSO. My personal opinion though is that i favor my youth orchestra but i think i can say with out no reserve that the chicago youth symphony and the GBYSO are the two top youth orchestra's in the United States. thats just it no one else can come close
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Author: Christine
Date: 2001-12-11 01:21
A little modesty might suit you well, James.
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Author: James
Date: 2001-12-11 01:27
Well Gee, thanks. It's nice to see you also put an email address so you could accept a reply. Anyhow, i dont think im the best youth clarinetist in the country, i just know that i play in one of the best youth orchestra's in the country. Something im really proud to be apart of and because of the great musicial education and ability to do so much with such a great group of players. Many of the alum from the CYSO hold major orchestral positons in the professonal world. They say that they wouldnt be there if it werent for the expierence and professionalism they got from CYSO. So please don't attack me personally, im just glad to do what i love to do most with other people who do the same.
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Author: Christine
Date: 2001-12-11 01:35
James, I do not put my email address because I don't prefer to advertise it on the internet to people I may not want contacting me.
I did not say that it was wrong to be proud of your ensemble, but the way you phrased your first post was, in my opinion, greatly conceited and did not speak well of you. I know others in the CYSO and, while they were proud, did not arrogantly proclaim that "no one else comes close." I restate it, being proud is one thing, but modesty is a virtue.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-12-11 03:19
James, that was no attack at all. Showing a little modesty is a mature thing to do.
Your saying that the GBYS was one of the top ones shows your maturity. Being modest about your own accomplishments would even show more.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2001-12-11 03:51
Hmmm. I guess I never was much good at geography. I didn't know that Chicago and Wisconsin were in the Greater Boston Area. I once saw a map (by Steinberg, I believe) that showed them as suburbs of New York ... but Boston? Nah.
Best regards,
PS Sorry, Anna, I don't know any youth orchestras in your area. Perhaps you should widen your search to include community orchestras, in general. Many of them also welcome young players.
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Author: rmk
Date: 2001-12-11 04:10
Try New England Conservatory. Although their top group, the Youth Philharmonic, is very competitive (and indeed one of the best in the US - tomorrow they are performing Firebird, Young Person's Guide and Sheherazade) they have other less advanced groups which you may be able to participate in.
(BTW in the interest of fair disclosure, my daughter plays in YP and I am a professional clarinetist in a large regional orchestra)
Good luck!
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Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2001-12-11 09:19
Im not from the USA (obviously), but my state youth orchestra (Queensland Youth Orchestra) did an exchange last year with the Portland Youth Philharmonic, and they claimed to be the first and best youth orchestra in america. I didn't think they were that great but they certainly had alot of good points.
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Author: Jen L.
Date: 2001-12-11 12:42
Aside from GBYSO (which also has two different levels of ensembles), there's Youth Philharmonic and Youth Symphony, both at NEC. YP is somewhat more competitive than YS last time I checked, but they are both very good. There's the MA Youth Wind Ensemble, at NEC, if you'd like that type of thing. NEC also has, in their extension program, many many different chamber music options. And then there are the whole host of smaller groups and community ensembles, not specific to students, in the area.
Hope this helps,
Jen L.
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Author: Bob Culbreth
Date: 2001-12-12 00:49
I was stationed at Fort Devens, Mass. (thirty miles west of Boston). There was a small school nearby where several of our army band people subbed in the orchestra. I believe the name of the school was Thayer Conseravatory. Sorry to be so vague, its been a few years.
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Author: Ginny
Date: 2001-12-12 02:31
Being in California I know nothing about youth orchestras in Boston.
One of our local youth orchestras (I suspose they may also be the best, since everyone seems to be so far) has several layers, so if you don't get in the top orchestra you may very well be able to play in one of the less accomplished/feeder groups. I know several kids who are not all that accomplished who are happy in the lower groups. I'd check them out, even if you're absolutely sure your not good enough for the main group.
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Author: lynn
Date: 2001-12-13 13:37
Why don't you search the web rings for youth orchestras? (you can find it at yahoo) You might also ask some of the string teachers in your school or in your local area - most of them know about different youth orchestras (moreso than band directors) because they send their students to them. Also look for the Music Educators site for Massachusetts.
I am on the board and am the "webmonster" of the Lancaster County Youth Symphony in PA, and I can tell you that there are a LOT of good youth orchestras out there - you don't have to just look at the one in the major city. I think between Philly and Lancaster we have 5 or so. (an hour and a half drive) - go see it so you can hear what I'm talkingn about, we have music online.
Good luck finding something!
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