The Clarinet BBoard
Author: FT
Date: 2001-12-07 15:46
I started just last year(I was in 7th grade) I was like 13.Man i think that I started out too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wat age did u start????)
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Author: Danette
Date: 2001-12-07 15:54
I don't think it's ever to late!
I started in 6th grade.
I was all county, all region, and all state several times.
I played in my college's symphonic band, was actually invited to join, even though I was not a music major.
Ok, I'm no virtuoso, but I enjoy playing, and isn't that what really counts?
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2001-12-07 17:38
I started at 10 [years], and from what I've seen in other "polls", 9, 10 and 11 were the most common. Don
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Author: Bill
Date: 2001-12-07 17:43
Age 31. I bought a cracked "Emil Jardin" at a yard sale, encouraged by my roommate (who now laments my collection). It didn't play any RH notes. I didn't particularly notice, at the time. I'm 42 now. --Bill.
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Author: Rickard
Date: 2001-12-07 17:52
I started to play clarinet when I was 9. Now I 16, so I´ve played for 7 years... I still love it!
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Author: William
Date: 2001-12-07 19:18
I started when I was 8 yrs old--that was 53 yrs (and enough reeds to construct a small house) ago. I picked the clarinet from a table full of band instruments at a prospective band parents meeting, because it looked the most interesting with all of its keys and shinny metal body. If someone had only warned me about the reed and mouthpiece searchs, I might have choosen more wisely--my Dad wanted me to play the trumpet. We kids knew best, right????? Good Clarineting, All!!!!!!!!!!
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Author: LynnB
Date: 2001-12-07 20:04
I started out at 9 with a metal, one piece clarinet. I'm now 42 - whew, my lips hurt.
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Author: Mandy
Date: 2001-12-07 21:49
I started at 9 (I'll be 16 in January). Most public school band programs start in 4th grade.
There isn't a right or wrong age to start at though!
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Author: ~ jerry
Date: 2001-12-07 23:06
Bob G. has me beat, but..............
I started at age 62..........that was a year ago.
~ jerry
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Author: ron b
Date: 2001-12-07 23:08
Started at about ten. The older kids were playing rings around me. I'm 66 now and still trying to catch up with 'em :]
Happy tootin',
- ron b -
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Author: Erica
Date: 2001-12-08 02:21
I started at age 10, and am 16 now. Great fun!
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Author: Jim E.
Date: 2001-12-08 04:36
11 in 6th grade. I should have started in 4th, but my **** 4th grade teacher talked my mother into holding me off. (I never forgave her for that!)
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Author: Kristen
Date: 2001-12-08 04:49
I started playing at age 16 in my junior year of high school. That year, I made
1st chair All-District Band on the Eb contra alto clarinet... the monster. By the
end of the year, I was 1st in my Bb section at school. I took a solo to state during
my senior year (got a 1) and was also the Drum Major of the marching band.
Quite a musical jump in just two years. After that I auditioned at schools for
scholarships, and was awarded a nice chunk at the University of
Tulsa where I recently completed my undergraduate degree. While at TU, I worked
my way up to Principal of the Orchestra and Wind Ensemble... and you guessed
it, Drum Major by my last year. I'm now working on a masters in performance at
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (go huskers!)... Not too shabby for 7 1/2 years
eh? How did I do it? I took private lessons, practiced a lot, and was very very
determined to prove everyone wrong (those that had said it was too late for me).
Keep on trucking and never give up! I used to make fun of the band geeks,
now I'm proud to be one! It's never too late to start a new hobby or even discover
a hidden talent!
Have fun!
Kristen Denny
GTA: Clarinet, UNL
true talent
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Author: IHL
Date: 2001-12-08 05:01
13, but I didnt start actual lessons until two years later. before that I was crap.
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Author: Stephanie
Date: 2001-12-08 05:20
I statrted when I was 12, in the beginning of 7th grade. So that means that i've been playing for a little over 4 years (I'm 16). It took me a while to get to where I am, even tho I was better than a lot of other my age when I started out. LOL, sorry for the conceitedness!
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Author: Kim L.
Date: 2001-12-08 05:27
I started when I was 9, which was in fourth grade. I am a college senior now and am still loving it!
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Author: Joel Clifton
Date: 2001-12-08 07:04
I started when I was 12, seven years ago. My mom got me a recorder, I fiddled around with it and finally decided to learn to play it, and soon after got a clarinet. Still having trouble tonguing the high notes and I squeek pretty often on the extreme high notes, but I can play Weber's 2nd concerto moderately well.
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Author: Michael Ringle
Date: 2001-12-08 08:29
I started on clarinet as a double when I was 17 (two years ago), for my senior year of high school. I knew I was going on into music so I took two band classes that year and learned clarinet. About a year and a half later I volunteered in my college clarinet class (for music education majors) to play the first movement of the Saint-Saens sonata for extra credit. I also took lessons over the summer and have gotten fairly proficient on clarinet. I just have to work a little harder, especially in the chalumeau register since it's different from sax (note name wise). My philosophy is that it's never to late to take up an instrument. It just depends on what you wish to accomplish, don't ever expect a miracle. But just because you aren't don't end up a top player in your school, that shouldn't discourage you. When I was playing in that freshman band all of those kids had been playing for about 3 years and I was sitting on 1st part for half the time. And if I hadn't messed up in my chair placement audition I could have been even higher than where I was.
Never lose hope.. It is -never- too later, in my opinion.
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Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2001-12-08 09:47
I started the clarinet when I was 10. I was in grade 5 at school, and I was learning violin at the time, and that only lasted for 6 months because I hated everything about it, including the teacher. For refusing to attend my lessons during school, I was sent to Linda Carrington's office, the head of the music department, for dealing with. She was head of music, and the clarinet teacher. She asked me if I would be interested in learning the clarinet instead (because it was compulsary for all grade 5 students to learn an instrument for at least a year) so Dad had an old wooden boosey and hawks (cant spell) clarinet at home, so I thought well it looks hard to play, with so many keys and all, but I gave it a go. The violin teacher was sorry to lose me, because he said I was one of only 2 students who showed promise. But this was obviously mean to be because that lady taught me for the first 7 years of playing clarinet, and during that time became like a second mother to me. She is also close to my parents. Now, i am 18 about to go on 19, studying clarinet at uni and playing in youth orchestras. I had to change from my first teacher after the 7 years because I felt I wasn't learning anythign new off her. It was really hard to do, but I went to Paul Dean and improved a whole heaps before my university auditions.
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Author: Kirk
Date: 2001-12-08 12:22
For my two cents' worth....
I started when I was 13 on a metal one piece "silver eagle" as we called it. Prior to that was playing a plastic flute while in 4th grade. I stopped playing for reasons now hidden from memory but at 49 have resumed my happy clarinet playing !
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Author: jenna
Date: 2001-12-08 15:11
Started on clarinet when I was 9 and in the fourth grade. I'm a high school senior now, 18 in another month or so. Picked up the alto and bass when I was around 14 or 15.
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2001-12-08 16:08
I was 11. I've been playing over 40 years now. I've played almost every version, Bb soprano, Eb soprano, C soprano, alto and bass. Never tried Contra-alto or Contra-bass because I just don't have enough wind. Actually, don't have enough wind to play bass either--and I'm only 5'1" tall and found the bass was about as big as I was, so stuck to the soprano group.
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Author: Micaela
Date: 2001-12-08 17:24
I started at 9, in the end of third grade. My first clarinet was a rented plastic Vito that worked decently enough for my first year.
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Author: Meri
Date: 2001-12-08 17:41
Started when I was 12, 11 years ago. But did not have lessons until about a year and a half ago. (for various reasons)
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Author: Michelle
Date: 2001-12-08 18:29
Instead of starting the first year band was offered, in 6th grade, I started in 7th grade. I guess I learn quickly because that same year I was 2nd chair in our junior high honor band. This year (8th grade) I'm first. No one thought I would be very good!
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Author: Francesca
Date: 2001-12-08 19:22
I started on clarinet in 6th grade, switched to bass clarinet the next year and never looked back until this year. I'm now a college freshman and picking up my soprano again.
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Author: Jill
Date: 2001-12-09 01:49
I started in 5th grade band, just before my 10th birthday, on a Bundy (in the gray case). Now I'm 46, with a clarinet performance degree, still love to play, but without too much time to practice. My first official lessons were when I got to college.
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Author: David Pegel
Date: 2001-12-09 02:40
I "started" at an honor band in the 7th grade. I was 12. That was when my best friend played the clarinet and I kind of rubbed off from it.
But I got SERIOUS with it about a year ago today (I'm almost 16 myself.) when I actually got my own clarinet for a Christmas present. So, if you wanted to be technical, I've either been playing for four years or just one.
I started Bass and contralto shortly after I got my own clarinet, so it's a shock I made Mid-State only after playing contra for less than one year. Hey, the clarinet's that much fun to play (and practice)!!!
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Author: Emms
Date: 2001-12-09 11:48
Started learning recorder at school and seemed to be the only child who could read the music. One day I was given a letter to take home to my parents and I thought I was in trouble. Mum opened the letter and looked very worried. I still didn't know what was in it. A few days later, I was given a black box and told to go to a clarinet lesson that morning. I nervously arrived at the lesson. A wonderful woman showed me how to put this black 'thing' together and I've never looked back. I was 8 then. I don't want to count how many years I've been playing - too depressing!
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Author: Don
Date: 2001-12-09 13:54
I picked up my first clarinet, an old metal one (provided by the Los Angeles School District) when I was age 8. I'm now 53. I guess I owe the LA Schools a big thank you because I still love to play.
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Author: Justin
Date: 2001-12-09 15:32
I started bass clarineting at age 11.. :D
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Author: Daniel Bouwmeester
Date: 2001-12-09 19:51
I started before I was born. My mother played clarinet when she was pregnant. I guess we could say I participated.
But the first time I had the teeth on the mouthpiece was when I was 7. Now I'm 20.
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Author: Bob
Date: 2001-12-09 20:51
I started at age 9. Now I'm a Senior....citizen....age 72
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Author: Lisa L
Date: 2001-12-10 03:57
I was 11 or 12... now I'm 25 and have picked up playing again after 3 years of being away at school and studying abroad... majoring in music didn't work out, but it is still fun to play on the side.
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Author: Arnold the basset hornist
Date: 2001-12-10 07:16
Bb clarinet with 12
basset horn with 30
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Author: A David Peacham
Date: 2001-12-12 10:48
Like Mark and tootleman, I started at age 43. I'm now a grand old man of 44.
But I had experience on other instruments. I wonder what the record age is for starting clarinet as one's first-ever instrument.
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Author: William Hughes
Date: 2001-12-12 13:48
Age 9, fourth grade, Riley Elementary School. The music teacher, an older woman whose name escapes me, had knarled fingers from what I now recognize was severe arthritis. I had the vague notion back then that it must have been the result of playing the clarinet. I thought I could avoid her fate by not practicing as much as I was told I should, a philosophy I have carried through to this very day.
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2001-12-14 16:43
If you canvas professional players, you will find a small number of them who started playing music at 13 or later. I know of one who is a college professor, and another who is a multi-instrumental jazz wizard.
I started at 8, am 51 now, but probably would have progressed more by starting later. Still playing now, but I quit several times, the last for 4 years in my late 20's. That guy in "Shine" may not be so isolated - child stars seem to have a likelihood of problems later on. My flutist wife and I agreed early on not to push our kids into music. On the other hand, they see us doing it all the time. They got no prompting to start music lessons, don't play clarinet or flute, and don't seem to have any particular excess of talent. Their skills seem to be in other directions - verbal and visual.
I have a couple of friends who teach adults, or are taking up instruments as adults, and what I see is really inspiring. This is not to say that there are budding geniuses here. More importantly, what I see and hear is a passion for music and people having fun.
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Author: Fran
Date: 2002-01-10 17:58
Hi! I just started three months ago. I am 42. I'm glad to see there are others here who started as an adult.
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